MicroStrategy ONE

Prerequisite Steps for Setting Up the Debugging Environment

This topic illustrates how to set up the debugging environment for Eclipse. In the instructions below, Eclipse SDK is the version that is referenced throughout the instructions for illustrative purposes.

See the MicroStrategy SDK Readme for the certified/supported versions of the Eclipse SDK under the Certified and Supported Configurations section. The default locations for the MicroStrategy SDK Readme files are:

  • Windows:  C:\Program Files\Common Files\MicroStrategy\ReleaseNotes\ReadMe_SDK_2.htm
    You can also access this file from
    Start -> Programs -> MicroStrategy Documentation -> ReadMe.

  • UNIX:  /opt/MicroStrategy/ReleaseNotes/ReadMe_SDK_2.htm

The following steps guide you in setting up the debugging environment for Eclipse.

  1. Ensure that the classes you want to debug are built with debug information. The debug information maps the code in your CLASS files to source file lines. Most of the Java IDEs build with debug information by default. To verify that Eclipse is building with debug information, perform the following steps:

    Project Web_Mstr is created for you by default when you successfully deploy and configure the Web Customization Editor. With Web_Mstr selected in the Project Explorer, select Properties from the Project menu. Click on the Java Compiler item in the tree control on the left-hand side of the dialog box. select the check box for Enable project specific settings.

    In the Classfile Generation section, the first three check boxes are used to configure the level of debugging information. To provide Java classes with the most detailed debugging information, select all three check boxes.

    If you change any of the above settings, remember to rebuild your project.

  2. Build and deploy your Java classes. If necessary, build and deploy your custom Java classes for use in MicroStrategy Web. This may involve copying files from the development machine to MicroStrategy Web installation on the Web server machine.

    If you plan to use your IDE’s HotSwap or Smart Swap feature to do fix-and-continue debugging, the Java classes to be debugged should not be placed in an archive, such as a JAR file.

  3. On the Web server machine, update the JVM startup options for MicroStrategy Web to enable or configure debugging. In the registry, update the OtherOptions value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MicroStrategy\JNI Bridge\Configuration\JVM Options for 32-bit machines or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MicroStrategy\JNI Bridge 64\Configuration\JVM Options for 64-bit machines to include:


    where <port> is the port number (for example, 8000) on which the JVM listens for debugging requests. While choosing this port number, avoid conflicts with common port numbers used by applications such as Web servers.

    The OtherOptions value is a set of semicolon-separated entries. If this value contains entries, your new value provided above should be separated from the existing value by a semicolon.

  4. Restart the Web server. After redeploying any Java classes or updating the JVM startup options, restart the Web server for these changes to take effect.  

  5. Access MicroStrategy Web to ensure that the JVM is running.  

  6. Now proceed to Debugging using Eclipse.