Strategy ONE

Transform Parameters Reference

The Transform Parameters Reference provides detailed information about all the transforms parameters. It helps you make presentation and style changes to the application. This reference is not a tutorial on how to use transforms. Refer to the Data Presentation book for fundamentals of customizations related to styles, including transform parameters and layout definition files.

Transforms are sorted by the beans to which they are applied. In order to determine the transform or the style that is used for a given bean, check the <web-beans> node in the Page Configuration file.

In this example, the display of the folder contents on the Shared Reports page is modified.

  1. Locate the <page> node for the Shared Reports page, and look for the Web Beans used on that page under the <web-beans> node. The following example tells us that style FolderStyleIcon is applied to the Web Bean md of type FolderBean.

    <web-bean name="fb" sys-bean="FolderBean" persist-mode="2">
        <style name="FolderStyleIcon"/>
  1. View the Style Catalog Configuration file to find the transform and the style definition in the <style> node that corresponds to the style information from the Page Configuration file. The XML structure is shown below:

    <Style description="Style: Display Folder in icon view, limiting number of folders, reports
    and documents, with special event for folders" name="FolderStyleIcon

Having this information about the transform and style helps you view all the parameters so you can make any additions, deletions, and modifications. These tasks are discussed in the Data Presentation book.

Before making any customizations, read the Best practices for customizing Web products. This section contains information on minimizing the impact of upgrades and tips on viewing the customization changes. You can also see the Troubleshooting reference for resolving issues.