Class FolderSummaryTransform

    • Constructor Detail

      • FolderSummaryTransform

        public FolderSummaryTransform()
    • Method Detail

      • getEvent

        public WebEvent getEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Based on the object type on the WebObjectInfo sent as parameter, it creates and initializes the corresponding WebEvent for having the object opened or run. Extends the original method by adding few more arguments to the event that takes care of EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes.DssXmlTypeFolder object types for being able to navigate them on the regular folder page on the application.
        getEvent in class AbstractFolderTransform
        object - a WebObjectInfo for which the "execution" event must be retrieved.
        the WebEvent corresponding to the object. Returns null if the user does not have enough privileges or the application does not support the event.