Class AbstractObjectInfoListTransform

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractObjectInfoListTransform

        public AbstractObjectInfoListTransform()
        Class constructor
    • Method Detail

      • renderEmptyList

        public void renderEmptyList​(MarkupOutput out)
        Generate HTML contents when the list of the underlying bean being rendered is empty
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the contents generated will be stored.
      • renderList

        public void renderList​(MarkupOutput out)
        Generate HTML contents when the list of the underlying bean being rendered holds objects
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the contents generated will be stored.
      • renderObject

        public void renderObject​(MarkupOutput out,
                                 WebObjectInfo object)
        Generate HTML output for a single object from the list being processed.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the contents generated will be stored.
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to be rendered.
      • renderIconInfo

        public void renderIconInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                   WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out the image information for a single object. The css class of the image (which defines the GIF to use) is determined by the object type. The image will be rendered as a link if the event according to the object type, provided by the getEvent() method, is available.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the contents generated will be stored.
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to be rendered.
      • renderLayeredIconInfo

        public void renderLayeredIconInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                          WebObjectInfo object)
        Similar to renderIconInfo(MarkupOutput, WebObjectInfo), but instead of generating an IMG tag, having a transparent image as its source and a background image assigned via the CSS style, it will now generate a SPAN tag which will have the same css class defined (where the background image is indicated) and an inner SPAN for the layering effect, in case an additional image has to be included, on top of the original (for example, a shortcut arrow, a red error sign, etc).
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
      • renderLayeredIconInfo

        public void renderLayeredIconInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                          WebObjectInfo object,
                                          boolean largeIconView)
        overloaded... Similar to renderIconInfo(MarkupOutput, WebObjectInfo), but instead of generating an IMG tag, having a transparent image as its source and a background image assigned via the CSS style, it will now generate a SPAN tag which will have the same css class defined (where the background image is indicated) and an inner SPAN for the layering effect, in case an additional image has to be included, on top of the original (for example, a shortcut arrow, a red error sign, etc).
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
        largeIconView - flag for a largeIconView or listView
      • getNameWrapperTag

        protected Tag getNameWrapperTag​(WebObjectInfo object)
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to be rendered.
        a Tag instance with the name of the object to render already embedded. Might return null, in which case the object name will have to be obtained by calling the getObjectName(WebObjectInfo) method separately.
      • renderNameInfo

        public void renderNameInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                   WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out name information for a single object.
        The text will be rendered as a link if the event according to the object type, provided by the getEvent() method, is available.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the contents generated will be stored.
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to be rendered.
      • getDereferenceShortcuts

        protected boolean getDereferenceShortcuts​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Get 'dereferenceShortcuts' flag
        object -
        Default 'true' - //retun true to be consistent with existing behavior
      • renderLocationInfo

        public void renderLocationInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                       WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out the location information for a single object, by using the PathTransform transform, including the ancestors of the specified object.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
      • getPathTransform

        protected PathTransform getPathTransform()
        Get the PathTransform for rendering the path in location info.
      • renderAbbreviationInfo

        public void renderAbbreviationInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                           WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out abbreviation information for a single object.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the contents generated will be stored.
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to be rendered.
      • renderAbbreviationInfo

        public void renderAbbreviationInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                           WebObjectInfo object,
                                           boolean renderBlankspace)
        Write out abbreviation information for a single object.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the contents generated will be stored.
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to be rendered.
        renderBlankspace - If abbreviation is not available, if this flag is true it will render a white space for it, otherwise it will not render anything.
      • renderOwnerInfo

        public void renderOwnerInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                    WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out owner information for a single object
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the contents generated will be stored.
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to be rendered.
      • renderDescriptionInfo

        public void renderDescriptionInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                          WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out description information for a single object.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the contents generated will be stored.
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to be rendered.
      • renderDescriptionInfo

        public void renderDescriptionInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                          WebObjectInfo object,
                                          boolean renderBlankspace)
        Write out description information for a single object.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
        renderBlankspace - boolean to specify whether it should render a empty cell when it is empty. (otherwise no content is rendered).
      • renderModifiedInfo

        public void renderModifiedInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                       WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out modified time information for a single object.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the contents generated will be stored.
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to be rendered.
      • renderIsUserEnabled

        public void renderIsUserEnabled​(MarkupOutput out,
                                        WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out information about the object being enabled or not. This method by default only generates contents for the WebUser object types.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the contents generated will be stored.
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to be rendered.
      • renderIsUserEnabled

        public void renderIsUserEnabled​(MarkupOutput out,
                                        WebObjectInfo object,
                                        boolean renderBlankspace)
      • getObjectName

        public java.lang.String getObjectName​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Utility method for obtaining the name of the object being analyzed
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to be processed.
        value of the name property of the object. If handling a shortcut, it will obtain the property of the original target object and return this as result. By default the result will be encoded for its proper display on HTML.
      • getObjectAbbreviation

        public java.lang.String getObjectAbbreviation​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Utility method for obtaining the abbreviation of the object being analyzed
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to be processed.
        value of the abbreviation property of the object.
      • getOwnerName

        public java.lang.String getOwnerName​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Utility method for obtaining the owner of the object being analyzed
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to be processed.
        value of the owner property of the object.
      • getObjectDescription

        public java.lang.String getObjectDescription​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Utility method for obtaining the description of the object being analyzed
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to be processed.
        value of the description property of the object. If handling a shortcut, it will obtain the property of the original target object and return this as result. By default the result might be encoded - as indicated on the Administrator's settings - for its proper display on HTML.
      • getObjectModificationTime

        public java.lang.String getObjectModificationTime​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Utility method for obtaining the modification time of the object being analyzed
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to be processed.
        value of the modification time property of the object. If handling a shortcut, it will obtain the property of the original target object and return this as result. If no modification time can be found, it will return its creation time.
      • isUserEnabled

        public boolean isUserEnabled​(WebUser object)
        Utility method for determining if the user object is enabled or not.
        object - WebUser instance to be processed.
        value of the enabled property of the object.
      • getSortedList

        public abstract java.util.List getSortedList()
        a List instance with all the elements from the bean to be rendered by this transform. The contents will already be sorted if required.
      • getEvent

        public abstract WebEvent getEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Generate the event that allows users to request actions on a given object.
        object - WebObjectInfo base object for a request.
        WebEvent instance corresponding to the event enabled for the WebObjectInfo provided. If no possible manipulation on the object is authorized, null will be returned.
      • isEmptyList

        public abstract boolean isEmptyList()
        true if the underlying object list is empty.
      • getGoToEvent

        public abstract WebEvent getGoToEvent()
        WebEvent instance with the information for handling incremental fetch requests on the list of objects being rendered by this transform. If not supported, it will return null
      • getGoToArgument

        public abstract int getGoToArgument()
        the identifier of the argument on the getGoToEvent() event where the element to navigate to will be specified.
      • getBlockPosition

        protected abstract int getBlockPosition()
        value of the property indicating the index of the first element currently being viewed as part of the list output. Used for incremental fetch purposes.
      • getBlockSize

        protected abstract int getBlockSize()
        value of the property indicating the number of elements included on a single 'page' of the list output. Used for incremental fetch purposes.
      • getChildCount

        protected abstract int getChildCount()
        the total number of elements that are included on the list that could be rendered by this transform. Used for incremental fetch purposes.
      • getIncrementalFetchComponent

        protected IncrementalFetch getIncrementalFetchComponent()
        Generate and initialize the IncrementalFetch component that will enable navigating the different elements of the full list of results in case it is not displayed all together at the same time.
        IncrementalFetch initialized instance
      • renderIncrementalFetch

        public void renderIncrementalFetch​(MarkupOutput out)
        Renders the incremental fetch links for the browse list, including the images.
        out - MarkupOutput instance which includes the HTML for the header of the table to be used on the transform
      • addCSSForObjectType

        public java.util.Map addCSSForObjectType​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Return the class Attribute to be used in the table cell for the transform.
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
        java.util.Map with the attribute name (as key) and the value.
      • getCssName

        public java.lang.String getCssName​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Utility method that helps giving the CSS class to use based on the the object type of the WebObjectInfo instance.
        object - The WebObjectInfo for which it's image name is required.
        a String with the name of the CSS class that should be associated with the WebObjectInfo information to display. If the type specified does not match the predefined list of styles, then it returns an empty string.
      • getImageTooltip

        protected java.lang.String getImageTooltip​(WebObjectInfo object)
        According to the object's type, generate the tooltip that will be displayed with the image to render. For example, when the object type is EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes.DssXmlTypeFolder, it will generate the corresponding localized descriptor for Open Folder.
        object - The WebObjectInfo for which it's tooltip is required.
        A String with the tooltip to set to the image associated with the WebObjectInfo.
      • getImageName

        protected java.lang.String getImageName​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Utility method that helps giving the image name to use - based on the information available on the formal parameters and on the the object type of the WebObjectInfo instance.
        object - The WebObjectInfo for which it's image name is required.
        a String with the name of the image associated with the WebObjectInfo. If the type specified does not match the predefined list of styles, then it returns the file name and path for the blank (transparent) image.
      • isVisualizationObject

        protected boolean isVisualizationObject​(WebObjectInfo object)
      • getVisualizationMode

        protected int getVisualizationMode​(WebObjectInfo object)
      • getListItemAttributes

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getListItemAttributes​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Add attributes to List View Item tag. By Default, add CSS class attribute to support banding effect in list view This function is currently called in User Management and Security Role pages to add CSS class attribute to every other tag in the listView . Returns a map containing the attributes to add to the container of every object in the list of contents.
        object - WebObjectInfo - List View Item