Class FolderListTransform

    • Field Detail

      • selectImage

        public FormalParameter selectImage
        Indicates the image to use when displaying a select box, for options like subscriptions and edit.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
      • imgFirstArrow

        public FormalParameter imgFirstArrow
        Indicates the image to use when displaying the incremental fetch arrow for going to the first set of pages.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
      • imgFirstArrowDisabled

        public FormalParameter imgFirstArrowDisabled
        Indicates the image to use when displaying the disabled incremental fetch arrow for going to the first set of pages.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
      • imgLeftArrow

        public FormalParameter imgLeftArrow
        Indicates the image to use when displaying the incremental fetch arrow for going to the previous set of pages.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
      • imgLeftArrowDisabled

        public FormalParameter imgLeftArrowDisabled
        Indicates the image to use when displaying the disabled incremental fetch arrow for going to the previous set of pages.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
      • imgRightArrow

        public FormalParameter imgRightArrow
        Indicates the image to use when displaying the incremental fetch arrow for going to the next set of pages.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
      • imgRightArrowDisabled

        public FormalParameter imgRightArrowDisabled
        Indicates the image to use when displaying the disabled incremental fetch arrow for going to the next set of pages.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
      • imgLastArrow

        public FormalParameter imgLastArrow
        Indicates the image to use when displaying the incremental fetch arrow for going to the last set of pages.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
      • imgLastArrowDisabled

        public FormalParameter imgLastArrowDisabled
        Indicates the image to use when displaying the disabled incremental fetch arrow for going to the last set of pages.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
      • tableWidthInPixels

        public FormalParameter tableWidthInPixels
        Indicates the width in pixels the table to render with the folder contents will have.
        If no value is specified, or if the default value 0 is assigned, the width will be relative to the context where the table is inserted.

        public static final java.lang.String FP_SELECT_IMAGE
        Constant specifying the name of the formal parameter for defining the select image. Value is selectImage.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FP_FIRST_ARROW_IMAGE
        Constant specifying the name of the formal parameter for defining the first arrow image. Value is imgFirstArrow.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FP_FIRST_ARROW_DISABLED_IMAGE
        Constant specifying the name of the formal parameter for defining the disabled first arrow image. Value is imgFirstArrowDisabled.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FP_LAST_ARROW_IMAGE
        Constant specifying the name of the formal parameter for defining the last arrow image. Value is imgLastArrow.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FP_LAST_ARROW_DISABLED_IMAGE
        Constant specifying the name of the formal parameter for defining the disabled last arrow image. Value is imgLastArrowDisabled.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FP_LEFT_ARROW_IMAGE
        Constant specifying the name of the formal parameter for defining the left arrow image. Value is imgLeftArrow.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FP_LEFT_ARROW_DISABLED_IMAGE
        Constant specifying the name of the formal parameter for defining the disabled left arrow image. Value is imgLeftArrowDisabled.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FP_RIGHT_ARROW_IMAGE
        Constant specifying the name of the formal parameter for defining the rigth arrow image. Value is imgRightArrow.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FP_RIGHT_ARROW_DISABLED_IMAGE
        Constant specifying the name of the formal parameter for defining the disabled right arrow image. Value is imgRightArrowDisabled.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FP_TABLE_WIDTH_IN_PIXELS
        Constant specifying the name of the formal parameter for defining the width in pixels of the table where the folder contents will be displayed. Value is tableWidthInPixes.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • FolderListTransform

        public FolderListTransform()
        Default no-argument constructor. Initializes formal parameters.
    • Method Detail

      • initializeImages

        public void initializeImages()
        Initializes the name of the images to use on this transform's output. For each one of the images defined to be displayed, the resource folder information is added to its path and file name as specified on the formal parameters for the images.
        initializeImages in class AbstractFolderTransform
      • renderList

        public void renderList​(MarkupOutput out,
                               WebDisplayUnits list,
                               java.lang.String summary)
        Renders the list of objects contained in the folder as an HTML TABLE. The header and each one of the objects inside the folder will be displayed as a row of the main table.
        out - MarkupOutput instance with the output by this transoform
        list - WebDisplayUnits list with the objects to render
        summary - a String with a custom Summary attribute to add to the HTML table to generate
      • renderItems

        public void renderItems​(MarkupOutput out)
        Renders the contents of the folder
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the HTML content to display will be saved.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • renderList

        public void renderList​(MarkupOutput out,
                               WebDisplayUnits list)
        Renders the list of objects contained in the folder as an HTML TABLE. The header and each one of the objects inside the folder will be displayed as a row of the main table.
        No Summary attribute will be added to the main table unless the user has selected Accessibility Mode from Preferences, in which case the localized string for This table displays the requested folder contents will be used by default.
        Specified by:
        renderList in class AbstractFolderTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance with the output by this transform
        list - WebDisplayUnits list with the objects to render
      • renderHeaders

        public void renderHeaders​(MarkupOutput out)
        Writes the table header for the list view display if they have been requested by the user when specifying the levelFlag formal parameter. The contents will be inside an HTML TR tag created by this method, and it will add the required cells depending on the headers indicated on the formal parameter.
        This method requires an HTML TABLE tag to be opened beforehand. By default, the renderList() method takes care of this.
        out - MarkupOutput instance which includes the HTML for the header of the table to be used on the transform
      • renderObject

        public void renderObject​(MarkupOutput out,
                                 WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out information for a single object, depending on the levelFlag formal parameter which specifies which details are to be rendered.
        This method renders its contents as part of an HTML TR tag, therefore it is required that the parent TABLE is opened first. By default, the renderList() method takes care of that.
        renderObject in class AbstractObjectInfoListTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
      • renderIconInfo

        public void renderIconInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                   WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out the image information for a single object. The source of the image is determined by the object type and the image formal parameters the user defined for this transform. The image will be rendered as a link if the event according to the object type, provided by the getEvent() method, is available.
        The HTML contents this method generates are inside an HTML TD tag, therefore it is required that the corresponding TABLE and TR parents are opened first. By default, renderList() and renderObject() take care of it.
        renderIconInfo in class AbstractObjectInfoListTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
      • renderNameInfo

        public void renderNameInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                   WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out name information for a single object.
        The HTML contents this method generates are inside an HTML TD tag, therefore it is required that the corresponding TABLE and TR parents are opened first. By default, renderList() and renderObject() take care of it.
        renderNameInfo in class AbstractObjectInfoListTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
      • renderDescriptionInfo

        public void renderDescriptionInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                          WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out description information for a single object.
        The HTML contents this method generates are inside an HTML TD tag, therefore it is required that the corresponding TABLE and TR parents are opened first. By default, renderList() and renderObject() take care of it.
        renderDescriptionInfo in class AbstractObjectInfoListTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
      • renderOwnerInfo

        public void renderOwnerInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                    WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out owner information for a single object.
        The HTML contents this method generates are inside an HTML TD tag, therefore it is required that the corresponding TABLE and TR parents are opened first. By default, renderList() and renderObject() take care of it.
        renderOwnerInfo in class AbstractObjectInfoListTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
      • renderModifiedInfo

        public void renderModifiedInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                       WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out modified time information for a single object.
        The HTML contents this method generates are inside an HTML TD tag, therefore it is required that the corresponding TABLE and TR parents are opened first. By default, renderList() and renderObject() take care of it.
        renderModifiedInfo in class AbstractObjectInfoListTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
      • renderLocationInfo

        public void renderLocationInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                       WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out the location information for a single object, by using the ObjectPathTransform transform, including the ancestors of the specified object.
        The HTML contents this method generates are inside an HTML TD tag, therefore it is required that the corresponding TABLE and TR parents are opened first. By default, renderList() and renderObject() take care of it.
        renderLocationInfo in class AbstractObjectInfoListTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
      • renderSubscriptionInfo

        public void renderSubscriptionInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                           WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out subscription information for a single object, as a link based on the event generated by the getSubscriptionsEvent() method and the user privileges, in a form of an image which source is specified by the user in the FP_SELECT_IMAGE formal parameter.
        The HTML contents this method generates are inside an HTML TD tag, therefore it is required that the corresponding TABLE and TR parents are opened first. By default, renderList() and renderObject() take care of it.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
      • renderSendNowInfo

        public void renderSendNowInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                      WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out narrocast send now information for a single object, as a link based on the event generated by the getSendNowEvent() method, in a form of an image which source is specified by the user in the FP_SELECT_IMAGE formal parameter.
        The HTML contents this method generates are inside an HTML TD tag, therefore it is required that the corresponding TABLE and TR parents are opened first. By default, renderList() and renderObject() take care of it.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
      • renderDeleteInfo

        public void renderDeleteInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                     WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out delete information for a single object, as a link based on the event generated by the getDeleteEvent() method and the user privileges, in a form of an image which source is specified by the user in the FP_SELECT_IMAGE formal parameter.
        The HTML contents this method generates are inside an HTML TD tag, therefore it is required that the corresponding TABLE and TR parents are opened first. By default, renderList() and renderObject() take care of it.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
      • renderEditInfo

        public void renderEditInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                   WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out edit information for a single object, as a link based on the event generated by the getEditEvent() method and the user privileges, in a form of an image which source is specified by the user in the FP_SELECT_IMAGE formal parameter.
        The HTML contents this method generates are inside an HTML TD tag, therefore it is required that the corresponding TABLE and TR parents are opened first. By default, renderList() and renderObject() take care of it.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
      • getExportEvent

        public WebEvent getExportEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Overwrites the parent method by assigning a target to the event, corresponding to the user preference on where the export result should be displayed
        getExportEvent in class AbstractFolderTransform
        object - the WebObjectInfo instance which will be exported if the event is called.
        an initialized WebEvent object if the application supports it. Otherwise, will return null.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • renderExport

        public void renderExport​(MarkupOutput out,
                                 WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out information for exporting a single object, as a link based on the event generated by the getExportEvent() method and the user privileges, in a form of an image which source is specified by the user in the FP_SELECT_IMAGE formal parameter.
        The HTML contents this method generates are inside an HTML TD tag, therefore it is required that the corresponding TABLE and TR parents are opened first. By default, renderList() and renderObject() take care of it.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
      • getPDFExportEvent

        public WebEvent getPDFExportEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Overwrites the parent method by assigning a target to the event, corresponding to the user preference on where the export result should be displayed
        getPDFExportEvent in class AbstractFolderTransform
        object - the WebObjectInfo instance which will be exported if the event is called.
        an initialized WebEvent object if the application supports it. Otherwise, will return null.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • renderPDFExport

        public void renderPDFExport​(MarkupOutput out,
                                    WebObjectInfo object)
        Write out information for exporting to PDF a single object, as a link based on the event generated by the getPDFExportEvent() method and the user privileges, in a form of an image which source is specified by the user in the FP_SELECT_IMAGE formal parameter.
        The HTML contents this method generates are inside an HTML TD tag, therefore it is required that the corresponding TABLE and TR parents are opened first. By default, renderList() and renderObject() take care of it.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        Return description for this Transform.
        String with the description for the transform.