Class FolderCreateReportXHTMLTransform

    • Field Detail

      • blankObjectId

        public FormalParameter blankObjectId
        Indicates the object ID of the Blank Report.
        If found, it will display it inside its own box while rendering the contents of the folder.
      • blankXdaObjectId

        public FormalParameter blankXdaObjectId
        Indicates the object ID of the Blank XDA Report.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.2
      • promptExecuteStyle

        public FormalParameter promptExecuteStyle
        Specifies the name of prompt style to use for transforming selected prompted template in View Mode.
        This formal parameters will denote a text to be used as the name of the prompt style that tells to display 'Save' button in prompted report or Document.
      • promptCreateStyle

        public FormalParameter promptCreateStyle
        Specifies the name of prompt style to use for transforming selected prompted template in Design Mode.
        This formal parameters will denote a text to be used as the name of the prompt style that tells to display 'Save' button in prompted report or Document.
      • displaySection

        public FormalParameter displaySection
        Specifies which sections are to be displayed in the Create Report page (Create Report, Other Reports).
        This formal parameters will denote a number to be used as a flag for the two sections of this page.
      • valueDesignModeCheck

        public FormalParameter valueDesignModeCheck
        Specifies value for checkbox indicating whether or not to run Report/RWD in Design mode.
        This formal parameter can take any of the following values:
        • 0 - Unchecked
        • 1 - Checked

        Keep in mind that this FP will indicate whether or not to check this checkbox. However, there another rule which user must have WebFeatureWebModifyReportList feature enabled.
      • promptStyle

        public FormalParameter promptStyle
        Specifies the name of prompt style to use for transforming selected prompted template in Create Repor page.
        This formal parameters will denote a text to be used as the name of the prompt style. This value will be passed as an event argument for EnumPageEvents.WebEventEditReport event which will be set in getOpenObjectEvent method.
        that tells to display 'Save' button in prompted report or Document.
      • blankViewReportId

        public FormalParameter blankViewReportId
        Indicates the object ID of the View Blank Report.
        If found, it will display it inside its own box while rendering the contents of the folder.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • _blankViewReport

        protected WebObjectInfo _blankViewReport
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0

        public static final java.lang.String FP_BLANK_REPORT_ID
        Constant specifying the name of the formal parameter for defining the ID of the blank report. Value is blankObjectId.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FP_BLANK_XDA_REPORT_ID
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.2
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FP_BLANK_VIEW_REPORT_ID
        Constant specifying the name of the formal parameter for defining the ID of the blank report. Value is blankObjectId.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • _templateHeaderDesc

        protected java.lang.String _templateHeaderDesc
        Property for holding a header description for the templates to show with this transform
      • _blankObjectHeaderDesc

        protected java.lang.String _blankObjectHeaderDesc
        Property for holding a header description for the blank object
      • _blankObjectDesc

        protected java.lang.String _blankObjectDesc
        Property for holding a description for the blank object
    • Constructor Detail

      • FolderCreateReportXHTMLTransform

        public FolderCreateReportXHTMLTransform()
        Default no-argument constructor. Initializes formal parameters.
    • Method Detail

      • hasCreateBlankObjectPrivileges

        public boolean hasCreateBlankObjectPrivileges()
        Determines if the user has enough privileges for viewing the blank report option with this transform
        boolean value indicating if the blank object should be available to the user or not.
      • hasCreateXdaReportPrivileges

        public boolean hasCreateXdaReportPrivileges()
        boolean value indicating if the XDA blank report should be available to the user.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.2
      • hasCreateViewReportPrivileges

        public boolean hasCreateViewReportPrivileges()
        boolean value indicating if the blank view report should be available to the user.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • hasCreateReportPrivileges

        public boolean hasCreateReportPrivileges()
        boolean value indicating if the blank view report should be available to the user.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • generateRadioButtonForObject

        protected Tag generateRadioButtonForObject​(WebEvent openEvent,
                                                   WebObjectInfo object,
                                                   boolean selected)
        Overwrites the parent method by assigning JavaScript code to the onclick event of the input tag if the user is on DHTML mode.
        generateRadioButtonForObject in class FolderIconRadioButtonTransform
        openEvent - WebEvent representing the action to do with the given object
        object - WebObjectInfo currently being processed
        selected - boolean indicating if the radio button should be selected or not
        the Tag initialized instance corresponding to the radio button generated.
      • isEmptyList

        public boolean isEmptyList​(WebDisplayUnits list)
        please use isEmptyList() instead, where the list to be analyzed is the one obtained from AbstractFolderTransform.getSortedChildUnits().
        Indicates if there will be objects to display from the instance sent in as parameter. The check by default is the count of report objects included on the list.
        list - WebDisplayUnits list instance initialized with the objects to render
        boolean value indicating if there are objects to be displayed out of this list.
      • getObjectDescription

        public java.lang.String getObjectDescription​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Overwrites the parent method by supplying a default description for the blank object as indicated on the blankObjectId formal parameter
        getObjectDescription in class AbstractObjectInfoListTransform
        object - WebObjectInfo instance from where to retrieve the description
        String with the object's description as defined, or a specific descriptor if the object being analyzed is the one defined on the blankObjectId formal parameter.
      • getObjectName

        public java.lang.String getObjectName​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Overwrites the parent method by supplying a default name for the blank object as indicated on the blankObjectId formal parameter
        getObjectName in class AbstractObjectInfoListTransform
        object - WebObjectInfo instance from where to retrieve the name
        String with the object's name as defined, or a specific descriptor if the object being analyzed is the one defined on the blankObjectId formal parameter.
      • getCssName

        public java.lang.String getCssName​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Overwrites the parent method by providing a special css style to the blank object.
        getCssName in class AbstractObjectInfoListTransform
        object - The WebObjectInfo for which it's image name is required.
        a String with the name of the CSS class that should be associated with the WebObjectInfo information to display. If the type specified does not match the predefined list of styles, then it returns an empty string. If the object analyzed corresponds to the one specified on the blankObjectId formal parameter then returns "blank".
      • renderTemplateList

        public void renderTemplateList​(MarkupOutput out)
                                throws WebBeanException,
        Renders the list of templates in this folder. Calls for the other interface of the method sending the sorted child list as parameter.
        out - MarkupOutput instance to modify with the transform's output. be rendered by this transform, as contents of the folder being analyzed.
        WebBeanException - if an error happens while rendering this information
        WebObjectsException - if an error happens while rendering this information
      • renderTemplateList

        public void renderTemplateList​(MarkupOutput out,
                                       WebDisplayUnits list)
        Renders the list of templates in this folder.
        out - MarkupOutput instance to modify with the transform's output.
        list - WebDisplayUnits instance with the list of objects that will be rendered by this transform, as contents of the folder being analyzed.
      • isDesignModeOptionChecked

        protected boolean isDesignModeOptionChecked()
        Indicates whether or not Design mode checkbox is checked.
        It reads valueDesignModeCheck which is a custom property end-user can toggled on or off checkbox.
        boolean value indicating if the design mode option is checked or not.
      • renderButtonOptions

        public void renderButtonOptions​(MarkupOutput out)
        If the user has enough privileges, this method will display by default the option for allowing to run the selected report on design mode.
        out - MarkupOutput instance to modify with the transform's output.
      • isObjectVisible

        public boolean isObjectVisible​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Extends parent method by returning false if the object is the blank report. We don't want to display this object as part of the template list since it has already been rendered by its own.
        isObjectVisible in class AbstractFolderTransform
        object - WebObjectInfo instance to check for.
        True if object requested is visible, otherwise returns False
      • getArgumentName

        protected java.lang.String getArgumentName​(WebEvent event,
                                                   int argumentID)
        For the given event, returns the name of the argument with the given ID. When overriding an specific getEvent method, clients can override this method as well to provide the corresponding argument for the new event. Since the getOpenObjectEvent() method was redefined, this method is also updated for returning the correct object identifier argument from it.
        getArgumentName in class AbstractAppTransform
        event - WebEvent from which retrieve the argument
        argumentID - argument Id from where to get its name.
        the argument name as defined by the event.
      • renderDesignModeOption

        protected void renderDesignModeOption​(MarkupOutput out,
                                              WebEvent createEvent,
                                              boolean designMode)
        Render a check box giving the option to have the report selected run in design mode. If the event has been customized, then this method should also be overwritten for the event argument identifiers to be correct.
        out - MarkupOutput where the HTML output will be saved
        createEvent - WebEvent representing the action to do with the given object
        designMode - boolean indicating if design mode is selected.