MicroStrategy ONE
7. Migrate Platform Analytics Data to MicroStrategy Repository
The Platform Analytics Data Migration tool is used to help existing customers migrate their data from MySQL to the newly supported PostgreSQL repository. This tool can help migrate both new and old versions of MySQL dump files to the latest version of Platform Analytics.
Backup Prerequisites:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Platform Analytics\PAConsumerConfig.yaml
populated with:warehouseDbConnection:
- whHost:
- whUser: root
- whPasswd: encrypted_password
- whPort: 3306
- whDb: platform_analytics_wh
- mysql-connector-java.jar is present in PlatformAnalytics\lib directory.
- Disk space sufficient to hold a backup of your MySQL platform_analytics_wh database.
Restore Prerequisites:
PAConsumerConfig.yaml populated with:
pgWhUser: postgres
pgWhPasswd: encrypted password
pgWhPort: 5432
pgWhDb: platform_analytics_wh
Path to .csv files from a previous backup of platform_analytics_wh.
Enough disk space available to PostgreSQL to restore the backed up ..csv files from MySQL.
Launching the Platform Analytics Data Migration Tool
Navigate to your Platform Analytics home directory and go into the bin directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Platform Analytics\bin
Call the following script:
You will then be prompted with the following :
CopyThis is the Platform Analytics Data Migration Tool. The purpose of this tool is to help migrate your data from an existing Mysql Warehouse to a new PostgreSQL Warehouse.
Please select from the following options:
1) Backup
2) Restore
3) Backup and Restore
0) Exit
Migration Workflow
Provide the path to the directory where the MySQL backup will be stored.
The tool will then begin backing up the MySQL platform_analytics_wh specified in your PAConsumerConfig.yaml file, placing the backup in your specified path.
Provide the path to the directory where the MySQL backup is stored.
The tool will prompt you again if you are sure you are okay to drop your PostgreSQL platform_analytics_wh schema.
If yes is selected, the platform_analytics_wh schema will be dropped and recreated matching the version of your MySQL dump.
The backup data is then imported into the newly created platform_analytics_wh schema.
The platform_analytics_wh schema will then be upgraded to the latest version of Platform Analytics.
Recommended Upgrade Procedures
On your new MicroStrategy ONE machine, populate the PAConsumerConfig.yaml has the MySQL and PostgreSQL information shown in the prerequisites above.
- Copy the mysql-connector-java.jar from your previous installation to the Platform Analytics\lib directory on the new machine.
- Go to your Platform Analytics bin directory and call the platform-analytics-data-migration-tool.bat file.
- Select the Backup and Restore option (3).
- Enter the full desired directory path for the database to be backed up to and restored from.
- Wait until the backup is complete. The tool you will then prompt if it is okay to recreate the PostgreSQL warehouse and select yes.
- The program will then restore your MySQL backup files into your new PostgreSQL warehouse and the data migration will be complete.