MicroStrategy ONE

Transformation Tables

Table Name Function


Transformation table to calculate the Year to Date values for Month.


Transformation table to calculate the Year to Date values for Quarter.


Transformation table to calculate the Hour to Day values for Hour.

Report and Document Steps

This IS_REP_STEP_TYPE table lists the Intelligence Server tasks involved in executing a report or a document. These are the possible values for the IS_REP_STEP_TYP_ID column in the IS_REP_STEP_STATS table and the IS_DOC_STEP_TYP_ID column in the IS_DOC_STEP_STATS table.

Not all steps are applicable to all types of reports. For example, if you are not using Intelligent Cubes, those steps are skipped.

Task name Task description

0: Unknown

Reserved for MicroStrategy use.

1: MD Object Request

The Object Server component in Intelligence Server requests the objects necessary for the report.

2: Close Job

Intelligence Server closes the report execution job.

3: SQL Generation

The SQL Engine generates the SQL to be executed against the data warehouse.

4: SQL Execution

The Query Engine submits the generated SQL to the data warehouse, and receives the result.

5: Analytical Engine

The Analytical Engine applies additional processing steps to the data retrieved from the warehouse.

6: Resolution Server

The Resolution Server uses the report definition to retrieve objects from the Object Server.

7: Report Net Server

The Report Net Server processes report requests and sends them to the Report Server.

8: Element Request

The Resolution Server works with the Object Server and Element Server to resolve prompts for report requests.

9: Get Report Instance

Intelligence Server receives the report instance from the Report Server.

10: Error Message Send

If an error occurs, Intelligence Server sends a message to the user, and logs the error.

11: Output Message Send

When the report finishes executing, the output data is sent to the client.

12: Find Report Cache

The Report Server searches the cache for a previously run report.

13: Document Execution

Intelligence Server executes the datasets needed for the document, and creates the document structure.

14: Document Send

Once a document is executed, Intelligence Server sends the output to the client (such as MicroStrategy Developer or Web).

15: Update Report Cache

Once a report is executed, the Report Server writes the data to the report cache.

16: Request Execute

The client (such as MicroStrategy Developer or Web) requests the execution of a report or document.

17: Data Mart Execute

The Query Engine executes the SQL to create the data mart table.

18: Document Data Preparation

Intelligence Server prepares the document data, performing tasks such as dataset joins, where applicable.

19: Document Formatting

Intelligence Server combines the data for the document with the structure, and formats the output.

20: Document Manipulation

Intelligence Server applies the user's manipulations to a document.

21: Apply View Context

Intelligence Server executes a view report against an Intelligent Cube.

22: Export Engine

The Export Engine formats a report or document for export as a PDF, Excel workbook, or XML.

23: Find Intelligent Cube

The SQL Engine matches a view report, or a report that uses dynamic sourcing, with the corresponding Intelligent Cube.

24: Update Intelligent Cube

The Query Engine runs the SQL required to refresh the data in the Intelligent Cube.

25: Post-processing Task

Reserved for MicroStrategy use.

26: Delivery

Distribution Services delivers the report to email, files, printers, or mobile.

27: Persist Result

Intelligence Server checks if the conditions for alert-based subscriptions are met. If so, the subscribed report is executed and delivered. If the condition is not met, the job is cancelled.

28: Document Dataset Execution

The document is waiting for its dataset report jobs to finish executing.