MicroStrategy ONE

Web Professional Privileges

These privileges correspond to the report design functionality available to users of MicroStrategy Web. The predefined MicroStrategy Web Professional group is assigned these privileges by default. The Web Professional group also inherits all of the privileges assigned to the Web Reporter and Web Analyst groups. License Manager counts any user who has any of these privileges as a Web Professional user.

MicroStrategy Web users that are licensed for MicroStrategy Report Services can view and interact with a document in Flash Mode, if the document was created before MicroStrategy 10.1 and was defined to display in Flash Mode. Certain interactions in Flash Mode have additional licensing requirements:

  • Users are required to license MicroStrategy Web Analyst to pivot row or column position in a grid or cross-tabular grid of data in Flash Mode.
  • Users are required to license MicroStrategy Web Professional to modify the properties of widgets used in a document in Flash Mode.

Beginning with 10.1, Presentation Mode replaces Flash Mode; newly created documents automatically display in Presentation Mode.

Privilege Allows the user to...

* Web define Intelligent Cube report

Create a report that uses an Intelligent Cube as a data source.

* Web save derived elements

Save stand-alone derived elements, separate from the report.

** Web create HTML container

Create HTML container objects in a document.

** Web document design

Create a document page, access Design Mode for documents, and perform WYSIWYG editing of documents in Flash Mode.

This privilege is required to define conditional formatting.

** Web manage document datasets

Add datasets to and remove datasets from a document.

The user must have the Web document design privilege as well.

**** Web configure transaction

Associate objects in a grid with a Transaction Services report.

Web define advanced report options

Set the available and default Run and Export modes for a report.

Web define MDX cube report

Define a new report that accesses an MDX cube, and see the MDX Cube option in the Create Report dialog box.

Web edit drilling and links

Use the Link Editor.

Web format grid and graph

Change the formats of grid and graph reports using the Formatting and Graph toolbars and the Formatting Panels.

For documents, modify widget properties.

This privilege also includes all functionality available in the Web Number Formatting and Web Simple Graph Formatting privileges (in the Web Designer privilege group).

Web modify the list of report objects (use Object Browser - all objects)

Use the Object Browser when viewing a report in View or Design Mode. This determines whether the user is a report designer or a report creator. A report designer is a user who can build new reports based on any object in the project. A report creator can work only within the parameters of a predesigned report that has been set up by a report designer. For more information on this, see the Advanced Reporting Guide.

Use the All Objects panel when working with a dashboard. The All Objects panel displays the data in the current panel.

Web save templates and filters

Save templates and filters.

Web set column widths

Modify the column widths and row height for a grid report.

Web subscribe others

View available addresses for all users, and add other MicroStrategy users to a report or document subscription.

Web use advanced threshold editor

Use the Advanced Threshold Editor.

Web use custom group editor

Create or edit custom groups using the Custom Group Editor in Web.

Web use design mode

Modify the report using Design Mode.

Web use filter editor

Add or modify the report filter for a report.

Web use metric editor

Use the Metric Editor to create or modify metrics.

Web use prompt editor

Use the Prompt Editor to create or modify prompts.

Privileges marked with * are included only if you have OLAP Services installed as part of Intelligence Server.

Privileges marked with ** are included only if you have Report Services installed.

Privileges marked with *** are included only if you have Distribution Services installed.

Privileges marked with **** are included only if you have Transaction Services installed.