MicroStrategy ONE

Web Analyst Privileges

These privileges correspond to the report analysis and creation functionality available to users of MicroStrategy Web. The predefined MicroStrategy Web Analyst group is assigned these privileges by default. The Web Analyst group also inherits all of the privileges assigned to the Web Reporter group. License Manager counts any user who has any of these privileges, but none of the Web Professional privileges, as a Web Analyst user.

MicroStrategy Web users that are licensed for MicroStrategy Report Services can view and interact with a document in Flash Mode, if the document was created before MicroStrategy 10.1 and was defined to display in Flash Mode. Certain interactions in Flash Mode have additional licensing requirements:

  • Users are required to license MicroStrategy Web Analyst to pivot row or column position in a grid or cross-tabular grid of data in Flash Mode.
  • Users are required to license MicroStrategy Web Professional to modify the properties of widgets used in a document in Flash Mode.

Beginning with 10.1, Presentation Mode replaces Flash Mode; newly created documents automatically display in Presentation Mode. For information on working with documents in Flash Mode and Presentation Mode, see the MicroStrategy Web Help.

Privilege Allows the user to...
* Access Data (Files) from Local, URL, DropBox, Google Drive, Sample Files, Clipboard Import data from files using the Connect to Your Data dialog
* Access data from Cloud App (Google Analytics, Salesforce Reports, Facebook, Twitter) Import data from cloud data sources using the Connect to Your Data dialog
* Access Data from Databases, Google BigQuery, BigData, OLAP, BI tools Import data from databases using the Connect to Your Data dialog

* Web add/remove units to/from grid in document in View Mode

Add objects to or remove objects from an existing grid report displayed in a document when in Presentation Mode

* Web create derived metrics and derived attributes

Create new calculations based on other metrics already on a base report

* Web define derived elements

Create derived elements in a report or document

* Web number formatting

Change number formatting on all metrics on grids

A user with this privilege has access to the following formatting options:

From the Format menu, the Advanced Formatting option
The Advanced Formatting context menu (all options)
On the Format toolbar, the Area (metrics only), Type, and number style options

Assigning this privilege also assigns the Use OLAP Services privilege (in the Common privileges group).

* Web publish Intelligent Cube

Publish an Intelligent Cube to Intelligence Server

* Web use Report Objects window

Use the Report Objects panel

* Web use View filter editor

Add or modify the view filter for a report

** Web create dashboard

Create a new dashboard

** Web dashboard design

Add visualizations and other objects (such as filters, text, and images) to a dashboard, and edit existing visualizations

** Web Edit dashboard

Edit a dashboard

If you do not have this permission, the Visualization Gallery, as well as the Datasets, Editor, Filter, and Format panels are not displayed.

** Web save dashboard

Enables the Save button in Visual Insight dashboards

See Web save to My Reports or Web save to Shared Reports for the ability to save Reports and Documents.

*** Web create alert

Create a conditional subscription based on a threshold

*** Web subscribe to bulk export

Create a bulk export subscription

Import MicroStrategy file

To upload a dashboard to the server, for sharing the dashboard with other users

Set oAuth Parameters for Cloud App sources Modify oAuth parameters for cloud sources from the Connect to Your Data dialog

Web add to History List

Add reports or documents to the History List (requires Web simultaneous execution privilege)

Web advanced drilling

Access advanced drill mode through the More Options link on the report results page

Web alias objects

Rename an object on a report

Web choose attribute form display

Use the Attribute Forms dialog box, see attribute forms in the Report Objects list, see the Attribute Forms context menu options, and pivot attribute forms

Web create new report

Access the Create Report folder and design reports, and run new reports from the folder where they have saved the report definition

Web drill on metrics

Drill on metrics

Web edit notes

Add and edit notes that have been added to a report or document

Web execute data mart report

Execute data mart reports

Web filter on selections

Filter on selected data.

This privilege is also required for the Keep Only and Execute actions in Flash Mode.

Web manage objects

Delete folders, reports, and documents

Web modify Subtotals

Add, modify or delete subtotals on a Web report

Web pivot report

Move rows and columns up or down and left or right, to pivot from rows to columns and vice versa, and to move metrics, attributes, custom groups, and consolidations to the Page axis

Web report details

Access report and document information by clicking the Report details link on the report, History List, or Wait page

Web report SQL

View the SQL code for the report

Web save to My Reports

Save reports and documents to My Reports folder

Web save to Shared Reports

Save reports and documents to the Shared Reports folder

Web simple graph formatting

Perform simple graph formatting changes

A user with this privilege has access to the following formatting options:

From the Format menu, all options under the Graph menu item
The Format context menu (all options)
The Graph toolbar (all options)
In the Format toolbar, the Advanced Graph Formatting option
In the Format: Graph dialog box, all options in the General tab and the Legend and Series Labels in the Format tab

Web use Object Sharing Editor

Use the Object Sharing Editor to set ACLs for objects

Web use Visual Threshold Editor

Use the Visual Threshold Editor

Privileges marked with * are included only if you have OLAP Services installed as part of Intelligence Server.

Privileges marked with ** are included only if you have Report Services installed.

Privileges marked with *** are included only if you have Distribution Services installed.

Privileges marked with **** are included only if you have Transaction Services installed.