MicroStrategy ONE

Supporting Connection Mappings in Intelligent Cubes

Connection mappings allow you to assign a user or group in the MicroStrategy system to a specific login ID on the data warehouse. Connection mappings are typically used for one of the following reasons:

  • To take advantage of one of several RDBMS data security techniques (security views, split fact tables by rows, split fact tables by columns) that you may have already created
  • To allow users to connect to multiple data warehouses using the same project

For detailed information about connection mapping, see the Installation and Configuration Help.

If you use connection mapping in a project that includes Intelligent Cubes, you should define your Intelligent Cubes to use and support connection mapping. If you do not define Intelligent Cubes to support connection mapping when connection mapping is used in a project, users may be able to access data they are not intended to have access to.

When an Intelligent Cube that supports connection mapping is published, it uses the connection mapping of the user account which published the Intelligent Cube. Only users that have this connection mapping can create and view reports that access this Intelligent Cube. This maintains the data access security and control defined by your connection mappings.

If an Intelligent Cube needs to be available for multiple connection mappings, you must publish a separate version of the Intelligent Cube for each of the required connection mappings.

For example, Intelligent Cube X is created in a project and defined to support connection mapping. User JDoe who is assigned to connection mapping A publishes Intelligent Cube X. The Intelligent Cube is published using connection mapping X. User FJohnson who is assigned connection mapping B cannot create and execute a report connected to Intelligent Cube X. To allow FJohnson to create and execute a report connected to Intelligent Cube X, a user account assigned to connection mapping B must publish the Intelligent Cube.

To Support Connection Mapping for All Intelligent Cubes in a Project

  1. In Developer, log in to a project with a user account with administrative privileges.
  2. Right-click a project and select Project Configuration.
  3. Expand Intelligent Cubes, and then select General.
  4. Select the Create Intelligent Cubes by database connection check box.

    If you do not use connection mapping, leave this check box cleared.

  5. Click OK.