MicroStrategy ONE

Security Checklist Before Deploying the System

Use the checklist below to make sure you have implemented the appropriate security services or features for your system before it is deployed. All the security implementations listed below are described in detail in preceding sections.

Ensure that the Administrator password has been changed. When you install Intelligence Server, the Administrator account comes with a blank password that must be changed.

Locate the physical machine hosting the MicroStrategy Web application in a physically secure location.

Restrict access to files stored on the machine hosting the MicroStrategy Web application by implementing standard file-level security offered by your operating system. Specifically, apply this type of security to protect access to the MicroStrategy administrator pages, to prevent someone from typing specific URLs into a browser to access these pages. (The default location of the Admin page file is C:\Program Files (x86)\MicroStrategy\Web ASPx\asp\Admin.aspx.) Be sure to restrict access to:

  • The asp directory
  • Admin.aspx