MicroStrategy ONE

Encrypting Command Manager Scripts

By default, Command Manager scripts are saved in plain text format. This can create a security risk if your script contains a user name and password, such as for the CONNECT SERVER statement. You can avoid this security risk by saving these scripts in an encrypted format.

If you create a batch file to execute a Command Manager script from the command line, the password for the project source or Narrowcast Server login must be stored in plain text in the batch file. You can protect the security of this information by encrypting the script and having it connect to a project source or Narrowcast Server when it is executed, using the CONNECT SERVER statement. You can then execute the script from a connection-less session, which does not require a user name or password. The user name and password are provided in the Command Manager script, as part of the CONNECT SERVER statement. For detailed syntax instructions for using the CONNECT SERVER statement, see the Command Manager Help (from within the Command Manager graphical interface, press F1).

When you encrypt a script, you specify a password for the script. This password is required to open the script, either in the Command Manager graphical interface, or using the LOADFILE command in the Command Manager command line interface. Because a script must be opened before it can be executed in the Command Manager graphical interface, the password is required to execute the script from the graphical interface as well. However, the password is not required to execute the script from the command line or through the command line interface.

The password for an encrypted script cannot be blank, cannot contain any spaces, and is case-sensitive.