MicroStrategy ONE

Best Practices for Implementing Internationalization

  • Make sure your database supports the character set(s) that are required by the various languages you intend to support in your MicroStrategy project. MicroStrategy recommends using a Unicode database to ensure all your languages are supported. For details, see Adding or Removing a Language in the System.
  • If you will be supporting double-byte languages (such as Japanese or Korean), make sure that appropriate fonts are available for graph labels, text fields in documents, and so on. Appropriate fonts to support double-byte languages are generally Unicode fonts. An example of an effective Unicode font for double-byte languages is Arial Unicode MS. Most Unicode fonts ensure that all characters can be displayed correctly when a report or document is displayed in a double-byte language.

    Not all Unicode fonts can display double-byte languages, for example, Lucida Sans Unicode does not display double-byte languages.

  • All SQL-based qualifications contained in a given report should be in a single language. SQL-based qualifications include such things as report filters, metrics, and prompts.
  • If you have old projects with metadata objects that have been previously translated, it is recommended that you merge your translated strings from your old metadata into the newly upgraded metadata using MicroStrategy Project Merge. For steps, see Translating Already Translated Pre-9.x Projects.
  • It is recommended for Developer internationalization that you use a unified locale. For example, if French is the language selected for the interface, the metadata objects language preference and report data language preference, as well as number and date preferences, should also be in French.
  • If you are using or plan to use MicroStrategy Intelligent Cubes, and you plan to implement data internationalization, it is recommended that you use a SQL-based DI model. The SQL-based DI model is described in Providing Data Internationalization. Because a single Intelligent Cube cannot connect to more than one data warehouse, using a connection-based DI model requires a separate Intelligent Cube to be created for each language, which can be resource-intensive. Details on this cost-benefit analysis as well as background information on Intelligent Cubes are in the In-memory Analytics Help.