MicroStrategy ONE

Adding a filter definition prompt or an object prompt containing filters to a custom group

Before You Begin

A filter definition prompt qualifies on attribute elements and metrics in the qualification of a custom group. An object prompt allows users to select which MicroStrategy objects to include in a report. This topic discusses adding a stand-alone prompt to a custom group, although you can also create a prompt when you create a custom group. For instructions to create an embedded prompt within a custom group, see About prompted custom groups.

You can add any of the filter definition prompts or an object prompt made up of filters to a custom group in the Custom Group Definition pane of the Custom Group Editor. Then you add that custom group containing the prompt(s) to a report. Use the steps below to add these prompt types to a custom group.

Once your custom group containing the prompt(s) is created, see Adding a custom group to a report to add the custom group to a report.


This procedure assumes that the prompt has already been created.

To add a prompt to the Custom Group Definition pane in the Custom Group Editor

  1. Open the Custom Group Editor. In MicroStrategy Developer, use the Folder List on the left to navigate to the folder where you want to store your new custom group. Then right-click on the right side of MicroStrategy Developer and select New, then select Custom Group. The Custom Group Editor opens.

  2. Use the Object Browser on the left to locate the prompt that you want to add to the custom group's definition.

    • If the Object Browser is not displayed, from the View menu select Object Browser.

  3. Drag and drop the prompt onto the Custom Group Definition pane.

  4. Click Save and Close to save your custom group and close the Custom Group Editor.

You can now add the prompted custom group to any report, as described in Adding a custom group to a report.

If you want to see what your report looks like when executed against the data source, and if you want to see how a prompt works for a user, once your report has one or more attributes and metrics in it, from the View menu select Grid View.