Supported Bean: PromptsBean
Event handler: com.microstrategy.web.beans.EnumEventHandlerTypes.HANDLER_TYPE_PROMPTS (8)
AddUnits | ||||
Specifies an event to add new answer units to the existing answer of
a PromptObject contained in a PromptsBean .
This event applies to all types of WebPrompt but each type of
prompt has different answer unit. For example, the answer unit for a
The argument
When adding new answer units, this event also allows the users to change
the function of root This event needs the following required arguments:
8009 | |||
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
*unitsToAdd | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units to add. Depending on the prompt type, its value varies. |
8215 | ||
attributeIDWithFormID | Specifies an argument for a WebAttribute along with one of its
WebAttributeForm , separated by EnumPromptsBeanEvents.UNIT_SEPARATOR . |
8229 |
funcVal | Specifies an argument for the funtion
of an WebOperatorNode in a WebExpression . |
8222 | ||
hiddenAttributeID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebAttribute or WebDimensionAttribute . |
8233 |
hiddenDimensionID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebDimension . |
8232 |
metricID | Specifies an argument for a WebMetric . |
8223 | ||
rootOperator | Specifies an argument for the function
of the root node of an
expression . |
8217 |
SAPVariableExclude | Specifies an argument to indicate an EXCLUDE sub-expression
in the prompt answer for supporting SAP Variables. Its default value should
be false , include , or 0 which means
8247 |
AnswerAllPrompts | ||||
Specifies an event to answer all the PromptObject contained in a
PromptsBean .
This event needs the following optional arguments: |
8001 | |||
alias | Option to rename the message of the resulting report or document. |
8254 | ||
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
doNotAutoReprompt | Specifies an argument not to automatically re-open prompts in the Intelligence Server
when all prompts are closed. By default its value is false .
A value of True or 1 means the boolean true . |
8248 |
execFlags |
8258 | |||
reOpenPrompt | Speicifies an argument to re-open a closed prompt in Web. One typical
usage senario is that a user wants to re-answer a prompt by clicking
the browser back button. The default value is 1
or true , meaning to re-open the prompt in Web.
Note, the prompt is re-opened in Web only. The Intelligence Server still keeps the prompt closed, but the new answers are accepted by the Intelligence Server. |
8245 | ||
submitAnswer | Specifies an argument to submit the prompt answer. The default value is
1 or true meaning to submit the prompt answer. |
8246 | ||
userStringSeparator | Specifies an argument for user specified string separator. |
8244 | ||
useSetAnswers | The argument for the Answer all prompts to indicate that we should use
the already set answers saved on the prompt beans effectively ignoring the
8255 |
AnswerAnyPrompts | ||||
Specifies an event to answer any number of PromptObject
contained in a PromptsBean , but leave the rest untouched.
This event requires users to specify the prompt positions at which the
corresponding PromptObject are going to be answered.
This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8002 | |||
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
alias | Option to rename the message of the resulting report or document. |
8254 | ||
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
userStringSeparator | Specifies an argument for user specified string separator. |
8244 | ||
AnswerConstantPrompt | ||||
Specifies an event to answer a WebConstantPrompt at the
specified prompt position in a PromptsBean .
This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8003 | |||
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
AnswerDimtyPrompt | ||||
Specifies an event to answer a WebDimtyPrompt at the specified
prompt position in a PromptsBean .
This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8005 | |||
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
AnswerElementsPrompt | ||||
Specifies an event to answer a WebElementsPrompt at the
specified prompt position in a PromptsBean .
This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8006 | |||
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
AnswerExpressionPrompt | ||||
Specifies an event to answer a WebExpressionPrompt at the
specified prompt position in a PromptsBean .
This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8007 |
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
rootOperator | Specifies an argument for the function
of the root node of an
expression . |
8217 |
userStringSeparator | Specifies an argument for user specified string separator. |
8244 | ||
AnswerObjectsPrompt | ||||
Specifies an event to answer a WebObjectsPrompt at the
specified prompt position in a PromptsBean .
This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8004 | |||
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
AnswerPromptsInAdvance | ||||
8026 |
doNotAutoReprompt | Specifies an argument not to automatically re-open prompts in the Intelligence Server
when all prompts are closed. By default its value is false .
A value of True or 1 means the boolean true . |
8248 |
elementsPromptAnswers | Specifies an argument for the prompt answers to the WebElementsPrompt contained
in the destination instance. |
8243 |
linkAnswers |
8252 | |||
objectsPromptAnswers |
8251 |
objectType | Specifies an argument describing an object type that is relevant to an event. This value should either be omitted or be from EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes. |
8249 | ||
originMessageID | Specifies an argument for the original RW document message ID. |
8241 |
promptAnswerMode | An integer prompt answer mode from EnumWebPromptAnswerMode |
8256 |
promptsAnswerXML | Specifies an argument for the prompt answers used in the original RW instance. |
8242 |
srcAnswers |
8257 | |||
valuePromptAnswers |
8250 |
BrowseDimensionAttributeElements | ||||
Specifies an event to browse elements of a dimension attribute for
a PromptObject contained in a PromptsBean .
This event applies only to This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8028 |
*hiddenAttributeID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebAttribute or WebDimensionAttribute . |
8233 |
*hiddenDimensionID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebDimension . |
8232 |
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
blockBegin | Specifies an argument for block begin for incremental fetch. |
8204 | ||
blockCount | Specifies an argument for block count for incremental fetch. |
8205 | ||
BrowseElements | ||||
Specifies an event to browse WebElement of a WebAttribute
for a PromptObject contained in a PromptsBean .
This event applies only to
When building FilterString = Segment 1*(AndOperator Segment) | Segment 1*(OrOperator Segment) | "NOT" Segment | Segment AndOperator = "AND" | "and" | "|" OrOperator = "OR" | "or" | "," Segment = Literal | NormalString Literal = """ NormalString """ NormalString = any ASCII character string excluding double quotesAny non-null value for the EnumPromptsBeanEvents.PROMPTS_EVENT_ARGUMENT_MATCH_CASE
argument means case-sensitive when building the filter.
To make it useful in DHTML mode where Javascript could be used, this event also processes prompt answers while browsing elements. It is totally reasonable that a user first moves the prompt answer around by using Javascript, and then starts element browsing; it would be unacceptable to the users if the event loses prompt answer changes after finishing element browsing. This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments:
8013 | |||
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
blockBegin | Specifies an argument for block begin for incremental fetch. |
8204 | ||
blockCount | Specifies an argument for block count for incremental fetch. |
8205 | ||
browsePath | Specifies an argument for the browse path in element browsing. An element browsing filter is built based on this path if it is passed in. |
8240 | ||
filterString | Specifies an argument for a filter string used in element browsing. |
8203 | ||
hiddenAttributeID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebAttribute or WebDimensionAttribute . |
8233 |
hiddenDimensionID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebDimension . |
8232 |
matchCase | Specifies an argument for case-sensitive when building WebFilter . |
8234 | ||
BrowseHierarchicalChildFolder | ||||
Specifies an event to browse the content of a child WebFolder of
the current folder for a PromptObject contained in a
PromptsBean .
This event applies only to To make it useful in DHTML mode where Javascript could be used, this event also processes prompt answers while browsing folder contents. It is totally reasonable that a user first moves the prompt answer around by using Javascript, and then starts browsing; it would be unacceptable to the user if the event loses prompt answer changes after finishing browsing. This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8018 |
*childFolderID | Specifies an argument for a child WebFolder . |
8225 |
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
BrowseHierarchicalParentFolder | ||||
Specifies an event to browse the content of a parent WebFolder
of the current folder for a PromptObject contained in a
PromptsBean .
Very similar to the event
To make it useful in DHTML mode where Javascript could be used, this event also processes prompt answers while browsing folder contents. It is totally reasonable that a user first moves the prompt answer around by using Javascript, and then starts browsing; it would be unacceptable to the user if the event loses prompt answer changes after finishing browsing. This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8024 |
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
*promptParentFolderID | Specifies an argument for a parent WebFolder . |
8224 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
CancelAllPrompts | ||||
Specifies an event to cancel answering all PromptObject
contained in a PromptsBean .
This event needs no required or optional arguments. |
8012 | |||
CancelAnyPrompts | ||||
Specifies an event to cancel answering any number of PromptObject
contained in a PromptsBean .
This event needs the following required arguments: |
8011 | |||
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
ClearAndAddUnits | ||||
Specifies an event to clear existing prompt answer and add new answer
units to a PromptObject contained in a PromptsBean .
This event acts exactly as the event EnumPromptsBeanEvents.PROMPTS_EVENT_ADD_UNITS
except that it does an extra thing - clearing existing answer.
This event applies to all types of WebPrompt but each type of
prompt has different answer unit. For example, the answer unit for a
The argument
When adding new answer units, this event also allows the users to change
the function of root This event needs the following required arguments:
8019 |
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
*unitsToAdd | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units to add. Depending on the prompt type, its value varies. |
8215 | ||
attributeIDWithFormID | Specifies an argument for a WebAttribute along with one of its
WebAttributeForm , separated by EnumPromptsBeanEvents.UNIT_SEPARATOR . |
8229 |
funcVal | Specifies an argument for the funtion
of an WebOperatorNode in a WebExpression . |
8222 | ||
hiddenAttributeID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebAttribute or WebDimensionAttribute . |
8233 |
hiddenDimensionID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebDimension . |
8232 |
metricID | Specifies an argument for a WebMetric . |
8223 | ||
rootOperator | Specifies an argument for the function
of the root node of an
expression . |
8217 |
ClearHierarchicalSearchExpression | ||||
Specifies an event to clear the user search expression for
a PromptObject contained in a PromptsBean .
This event applies only to This event needs the following required arguments: |
8027 |
*hiddenAttributeID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebAttribute or WebDimensionAttribute . |
8233 |
*hiddenDimensionID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebDimension . |
8232 |
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
DrillWithinHierarchy | ||||
Specifies an event to drill to a WebDimensionAttribute up and
down within a hierarchy for a PromptObject
contained in a PromptsBean .
This event applies only to
When drilling down within the hierarchy, this event requires users to
specify a list of This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8016 | |||
*hiddenDimensionID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebDimension . |
8232 |
*hiddenFromAttributeID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebAttribute or WebDimensionAttribute . |
8233 |
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
*toAttributeID | Specifies an argument for the drilled-to WebAttribute . |
8227 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
browsePath | Specifies an argument for the browse path in element browsing. An element browsing filter is built based on this path if it is passed in. |
8240 | ||
parentFolder | Specifies an argument for the searching
root . |
8207 | ||
unitsToAdd | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units to add. Depending on the prompt type, its value varies. |
8215 | ||
HighlightDimension | ||||
Specifies an event to highlight a WebDimension for
a PromptObject contained in a PromptsBean .
This event applies only to This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8025 | |||
*dimensionID | Specifies an argument for a dimension . |
8219 | ||
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
parentFolder | Specifies an argument for the searching
root . |
8207 | ||
HighlightDimensionAttribute | ||||
Specifies an event to highlight a WebDimensionAttribute in
a hierarchy for a PromptObject
contained in a PromptsBean .
This event applies only to This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8017 |
*attributeID | Specifies an argument for a WebAttribute or a
WebDimensionAttribute . |
8202 | ||
*hiddenDimensionID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebDimension . |
8232 |
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
parentFolder | Specifies an argument for the searching
root . |
8207 | ||
IncrementalFetch | ||||
Specifies an event to incremental fetch objects ,
elements , etc.
for a PromptObject contained in a PromptsBean .
This event is very tight to the following two events:
To make it useful in DHTML mode where Javascript could be used, this event also processes prompt answers while fetching incrementally. It is totally reasonable that a user first moves the prompt answer around by using Javascript, and then starts incremental fetching; it would be unacceptable to the user if the event loses prompt answer changes after finishing incremental fetching. This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8021 | |||
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
blockBegin | Specifies an argument for block begin for incremental fetch. |
8204 | ||
blockCount | Specifies an argument for block count for incremental fetch. |
8205 | ||
gotoPageId | Specifies an argument to go to a particular page for incrementally fetching objects and elements. |
8253 |
NavigatePromptsBean | ||||
Specifies an event to navigate through all PromptObject
contained in a PromptsBean .
Navigation through a PromptsBean is done by setting the current
prompt position to wherever you want to be. The value of the prompt
position is appended to the argument name of
To make it useful in DHTML mode where Javascript could be used, this event also processes prompt answers while navigating. It is totally reasonable that a user first moves the prompt answer around by using Javascript, and then starts navigating; it would be unacceptable to the user if the event loses prompt answer changes after finishing highlighting. This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8020 | |||
*navigation | Specifies an argument for navigating through a PromptsBean . |
8230 | ||
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
ProcessAllPrompts | ||||
Specifies an event to process any supported user action for all
PromptObject contained in a PromptsBean .
This event does not need the prompt position argument, since it automatically loops through all PromptObject no matter whether the user has performed any action on it.
When looping through the PromptsBean and processing each
individual PromptObject, this event looks for any user action
supported by the event handler, and then executes the action before it
stops processing. Changes to the prompt answer is always checked and
processed even though there is no action specified. User action argument,
which informs the event what arguments to look for and what to do, has
the prefix
With no surprise, this event includes almost all the event arguments
defined in this interface. Depending on action, users can pass in
any partial arguments necessary for this particular action. As a hint to
what arguments are necessary, look for those defined in the
corresponding smaller event. For example, if the user action is to
incrementally fetch objects as specified by the action argument
Although all arguments are optional for the whole event due to
supporting of multiple actions within the same event, some of them are
really required arguments for a particular action. For example,
the event argument
This event needs the following optional arguments:
8008 | |||
addUnitsButton | Specifies a user action to add more prompt answer units. |
8208 |
alias | Option to rename the message of the resulting report or document. |
8254 | ||
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerButton | Specifies a user action to answer a prompt. |
8211 |
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
attributeId | Specifies an argument for a WebAttribute or a
WebDimensionAttribute . |
8202 | ||
attributeIDWithFormID | Specifies an argument for a WebAttribute along with one of its
WebAttributeForm , separated by EnumPromptsBeanEvents.UNIT_SEPARATOR . |
8229 |
blockBegin | Specifies an argument for block begin for incremental fetch. |
8204 | ||
blockCount | Specifies an argument for block count for incremental fetch. |
8205 | ||
browseChildFolderButton | Specifies a user action to browse a child WebFolder . |
8226 |
browseElementButton | Specifies a user action to browse elements
under an attribute . |
8213 |
browseParentFolderButton | Specifies a user action to browse a parent WebFolder . |
8238 |
browsePath | Specifies an argument for the browse path in element browsing. An element browsing filter is built based on this path if it is passed in. |
8240 | ||
calendarButton | Specifies an argument to show the calendar button. |
8236 |
cancelButton | Specifies a user action to cancel answering a prompt. |
8210 |
childFolderID | Specifies an argument for a child WebFolder . |
8225 |
clearAndAddUnitsButton | Specifies a user action to clear the exsiting prompt answers and then add new ones. |
8228 |
dimensionID | Specifies an argument for a dimension . |
8219 | ||
doNotAutoReprompt | Specifies an argument not to automatically re-open prompts in the Intelligence Server
when all prompts are closed. By default its value is false .
A value of True or 1 means the boolean true . |
8248 |
drillWithinHierarchyButton | Specifies a user action to drill up and down within a
hierarchy in a WebExpressionPrompt . |
8220 |
filterXml | Specifies an argument for a filter string used in element browsing. |
8203 | ||
funcVal | Specifies an argument for the funtion
of an WebOperatorNode in a WebExpression . |
8222 | ||
gotoPageId | Specifies an argument to go to a particular page for incrementally fetching objects and elements. |
8253 |
hiddenAttributeID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebAttribute or WebDimensionAttribute . |
8233 |
hiddenDimensionID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebDimension . |
8232 |
highlightDimensionAttributeButton | Specifies a user action to highlight a WebDimensionAttribute in
a WebExpressionPrompt . |
8221 |
highlightDimensionButton | Specifies a user action to highlight a WebDimension . |
8239 |
incrementalFetchButton | Specifies a user action to incrementally fetch WebDisplayUnit . |
8231 |
loadFile | Argument to specify a name 'Load file' button. String value for this button. It is a parameter for following event: EnumPromptsBeanEvents.PROMPTS_EVENT_ANSWER_ALL_PROMPTS |
5014 | ||
matchCase | Specifies an argument for case-sensitive when building WebFilter . |
8234 | ||
metricID | Specifies an argument for a WebMetric . |
8223 | ||
navigation | Specifies an argument for navigating through a PromptsBean . |
8230 | ||
promptParentFolderID | Specifies an argument for a parent WebFolder . |
8224 |
removeUnitsButton | Specifies a user action to remove prompt answer units. |
8209 |
reOpenPrompt | Speicifies an argument to re-open a closed prompt in Web. One typical
usage senario is that a user wants to re-answer a prompt by clicking
the browser back button. The default value is 1
or true , meaning to re-open the prompt in Web.
Note, the prompt is re-opened in Web only. The Intelligence Server still keeps the prompt closed, but the new answers are accepted by the Intelligence Server. |
8245 | ||
rootOperator | Specifies an argument for the function
of the root node of an
expression . |
8217 |
SAPVariableExclude | Specifies an argument to indicate an EXCLUDE sub-expression
in the prompt answer for supporting SAP Variables. Its default value should
be false , include , or 0 which means
8247 |
searchByNameButton | Specifies a user action to search objects
by their names. |
8212 |
searchName | Specifies an argument for the searching name. |
8206 | ||
searchRoot | Specifies an argument for the searching
root . |
8207 | ||
submitAnswer | Specifies an argument to submit the prompt answer. The default value is
1 or true meaning to submit the prompt answer. |
8246 | ||
summary | Specifies a user action to show the prompt summary. |
8235 |
textFileAnswer | Argument to specify a name for Text file which contains prompt answers. String parameter that represents the name of the file to be uploaded containing values to be used as prompt answers. It is a parameter for following event: EnumPromptsBeanEvents.PROMPTS_EVENT_ANSWER_ALL_PROMPTS |
5010 | ||
toAttributeID | Specifies an argument for the drilled-to WebAttribute . |
8227 |
unitsToAdd | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units to add. Depending on the prompt type, its value varies. |
8215 | ||
unitsToRemove | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units to remove. |
8216 |
userStringSeparator | Specifies an argument for user specified string separator. |
8244 | ||
ProcessAnyPrompts | ||||
Specifies an event to process any supported user action for any number
of PromptObject contained in a PromptsBean .
This event does exactly the same thing as another event
When processing each individual PromptObject whose position is
specified, this event looks for any user action supported by the event
handler, and then executes the action before it stops processing.
Changes to the prompt answer is always checked and processed
even though there is no action specified. User action argument, which
informs the event what arguments to look for and what to do, has the
With no surprise, this event includes almost all the event arguments
defined in this interface. Depending on action, users can pass in
any partial arguments necessary for this particular action. As a hint to
what arguments are necessary, look for those defined in the
corresponding smaller event. For example, if the user action is to
incrementally fetch objects as specified by the action argument
Although all arguments are optional for the whole event due to
supporting of multiple actions within the same event, some of them are
really required arguments for a particular action. For example,
the event argument
This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments:
8015 | |||
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
addUnitsButton | Specifies a user action to add more prompt answer units. |
8208 |
alias | Option to rename the message of the resulting report or document. |
8254 | ||
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerButton | Specifies a user action to answer a prompt. |
8211 |
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
attributeId | Specifies an argument for a WebAttribute or a
WebDimensionAttribute . |
8202 | ||
attributeIDWithFormID | Specifies an argument for a WebAttribute along with one of its
WebAttributeForm , separated by EnumPromptsBeanEvents.UNIT_SEPARATOR . |
8229 |
blockBegin | Specifies an argument for block begin for incremental fetch. |
8204 | ||
blockCount | Specifies an argument for block count for incremental fetch. |
8205 | ||
browseChildFolderButton | Specifies a user action to browse a child WebFolder . |
8226 |
browseElementButton | Specifies a user action to browse elements
under an attribute . |
8213 |
browseParentFolderButton | Specifies a user action to browse a parent WebFolder . |
8238 |
browsePath | Specifies an argument for the browse path in element browsing. An element browsing filter is built based on this path if it is passed in. |
8240 | ||
calendarButton | Specifies an argument to show the calendar button. |
8236 |
cancelButton | Specifies a user action to cancel answering a prompt. |
8210 |
childFolderID | Specifies an argument for a child WebFolder . |
8225 |
clearAndAddUnitsButton | Specifies a user action to clear the exsiting prompt answers and then add new ones. |
8228 |
dimensionID | Specifies an argument for a dimension . |
8219 | ||
drillWithinHierarchyButton | Specifies a user action to drill up and down within a
hierarchy in a WebExpressionPrompt . |
8220 |
filterXml | Specifies an argument for a filter string used in element browsing. |
8203 | ||
funcVal | Specifies an argument for the funtion
of an WebOperatorNode in a WebExpression . |
8222 | ||
gotoPageId | Specifies an argument to go to a particular page for incrementally fetching objects and elements. |
8253 |
hiddenAttributeID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebAttribute or WebDimensionAttribute . |
8233 |
hiddenDimensionID | Specifies an argument for a hidden variable in HTML to save the
highlighted WebDimension . |
8232 |
highlightDimensionAttributeButton | Specifies a user action to highlight a WebDimensionAttribute in
a WebExpressionPrompt . |
8221 |
highlightDimensionButton | Specifies a user action to highlight a WebDimension . |
8239 |
incrementalFetchButton | Specifies a user action to incrementally fetch WebDisplayUnit . |
8231 |
loadFile | Argument to specify a name 'Load file' button. String value for this button. It is a parameter for following event: EnumPromptsBeanEvents.PROMPTS_EVENT_ANSWER_ALL_PROMPTS |
5014 | ||
matchCase | Specifies an argument for case-sensitive when building WebFilter . |
8234 | ||
metricID | Specifies an argument for a WebMetric . |
8223 | ||
navigation | Specifies an argument for navigating through a PromptsBean . |
8230 | ||
promptParentFolderID | Specifies an argument for a parent WebFolder . |
8224 |
removeUnitsButton | Specifies a user action to remove prompt answer units. |
8209 |
reOpenPrompt | Speicifies an argument to re-open a closed prompt in Web. One typical
usage senario is that a user wants to re-answer a prompt by clicking
the browser back button. The default value is 1
or true , meaning to re-open the prompt in Web.
Note, the prompt is re-opened in Web only. The Intelligence Server still keeps the prompt closed, but the new answers are accepted by the Intelligence Server. |
8245 | ||
rootOperator | Specifies an argument for the function
of the root node of an
expression . |
8217 |
SAPVariableExclude | Specifies an argument to indicate an EXCLUDE sub-expression
in the prompt answer for supporting SAP Variables. Its default value should
be false , include , or 0 which means
8247 |
searchByNameButton | Specifies a user action to search objects
by their names. |
8212 |
searchName | Specifies an argument for the searching name. |
8206 | ||
searchRoot | Specifies an argument for the searching
root . |
8207 | ||
submitAnswer | Specifies an argument to submit the prompt answer. The default value is
1 or true meaning to submit the prompt answer. |
8246 | ||
summary | Specifies a user action to show the prompt summary. |
8235 |
textFileAnswer | Argument to specify a name for Text file which contains prompt answers. String parameter that represents the name of the file to be uploaded containing values to be used as prompt answers. It is a parameter for following event: EnumPromptsBeanEvents.PROMPTS_EVENT_ANSWER_ALL_PROMPTS |
5010 | ||
toAttributeID | Specifies an argument for the drilled-to WebAttribute . |
8227 |
unitsToAdd | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units to add. Depending on the prompt type, its value varies. |
8215 | ||
unitsToRemove | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units to remove. |
8216 |
userStringSeparator | Specifies an argument for user specified string separator. |
8244 | ||
RemoveUnits | ||||
Specifies an event to remove answer units from a PromptObject
contained in a PromptsBean .
This event applies to all types of
To remove a
Same as the event This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8010 | |||
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
*unitsToRemove | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units to remove. |
8216 |
rootOperator | Specifies an argument for the function
of the root node of an
expression . |
8217 |
SearchByName | ||||
Specifies an event to search objects by specifying
the searching name for a PromptObject contained in a
PromptsBean .
This event applies only to This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments:
8014 | |||
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
blockBegin | Specifies an argument for block begin for incremental fetch. |
8204 | ||
blockCount | Specifies an argument for block count for incremental fetch. |
8205 | ||
searchName | Specifies an argument for the searching name. |
8206 | ||
searchRoot | Specifies an argument for the searching
root . |
8207 | ||
ShowAllPromptsSummary | ||||
Specifies an event to show summary of all PromptObject
contained in a PromptsBean .
This event is actually a dummy event since it does nothing in it except that it loops through all prompts to process their answers. In DHTML mode where Javascript could be used, it is totally reasonable that a user first moves the prompt answer around by using Javascript, and then wants to show prompt summaries; it would be unacceptable to the user if the event loses prompt answer changes in the prompt summary page. This event needs the following optional arguments: |
8022 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 | ||
ShowAnyPromptsSummary | ||||
Specifies an event to show summary of any number of PromptObject
contained in a PromptsBean .
This event does exactly the same thing as another event
This event is actually a dummy event since it does nothing in it except that it loops through all specified prompts to process their answers. In DHTML mode where Javascript could be used, it is totally reasonable that a user first moves the prompt answer around by using Javascript, and then wants to show prompt summaries; it would be unacceptable to the user if the event loses prompt answer changes in the prompt summary page. This event needs the following required arguments: and the following optional arguments: |
8023 |
*position | Specifies an argument for prompt position, a non negative integer. |
8201 |
answer | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer units. |
8214 | ||
answerFormat | Specifies an argument for the prompt answer format as in
EnumPromptAnswerFormat . The default answer format is
PromptAnswerFormatFlat . |
8218 | ||
answerOptions | Specifies an argument for answer options
when dealing with null or empty answer in the RequestKeys . |
8237 |
* denotes required field.