MicroStrategy ONE

Search by Object Type, Owner, Date, or Description

It is often useful to search for an object using criteria such as the date that the object was created or modified, the owner of the object, the object's description, and what type of object it is.

Objects you can search for include:

  • Attributes
  • Custom groups
  • Dashboards
  • Documents
  • Filters
  • Folders
  • Metrics
  • Prompts
  • Reports
  • Shortcuts
  • Templates

To Search on Object Type, Owner, Date, or Description

  1. Click the Search icon Search icon in the navigation bar at the top of the page.
  2. If you are on the MicroStrategy home page, the entire project is searched by default. If you are on a folder page, that folder is searched by default. You can change what is searched by selecting the project or a folder from the first drop-down.
  3. To specify your search, select an option from the second drop-down:
    • Contains
    • Exactly
    • Begins with
    • Ends with
  4. Enter the name of an object in the Search field. For tips to search for objects effectively, see How to Use Efficient Search Syntax. As you type, the results are displayed, while suggestions are displayed in a drop-down below the Search field.
  5. You can leave the Search field blank, and therefore search for any object name, if any of the following are true:

    • The Description field contains text.
    • The Date field has a defined range (that is, Date is not set as All).
    • The Owner field is set to Created only by me.

    Click the Search icon Search icon.

  6. To specify the type of object to search for, such as dashboards, reports (including data mart reports), custom groups, and folders, select the object types to search for under Object Type. You can include multiple object types in your search. To search for an object created by a specific user, select one of the following Owner options:
    • Created only by me: Search for objects created only by the user who is currently logged in.
    • Created by any user: Search for objects created by anyone in the project.
  7. To search for objects that were created or modified during a certain time period, do one of the following:
    • To search for an object created or modified at any time, select All from the Date drop-down.
    • To search for an object created or modified at a specific time, complete the following:
      • From the Date drop-down, select one of the following:
        • To search for an object created at a specific time, select Created from the drop-down.
        • To search for an object modified at a specific time, select Modified from the drop-down.
      • To specify the time, do one of the following:
        • To search during a specific unit of time, select Last. Type a number in the field, then select the unit from the drop-down. For example, to search for objects created in the last three years, type 3 in the field and select Years from the drop-down.
        • To search between two specified dates, select Between, then select the two dates from the calendar.
  8. To search for an object that contains specific text in its description, type the text in the Description field.

Related Topics

Search for Dashboards, Reports, Folders, and Other Objects

How to Use Efficient Search Syntax