MicroStrategy ONE

Display a Specific Document Layout in iOS

The following parameter and value are used to specify the document layout that should be displayed using the mobile URL API. This parameter is added to URL link for executing a document, separated from the previous parameter by an & (ampersand).

Parameter Value


Number of the layout you want to display. The first layout in the document is 0, the second layout is 1, the third is 2, and so on.  

The sample URLs below show how to specify the document layout that is displayed from inside your custom mobile application. MicroStrategyMobileServer is the name of your MicroStrategy Mobile Server.

Sample URL for displaying a specific document layout in a .NET environment


Sample URL for displaying a specific document layout in a J2EE environment


When you execute a document and specify the document layout from outside your custom mobile application, use the syntax shown below:

Sample URL for displaying a specific document layout from outside MicroStrategy Mobile
