MicroStrategy ONE

How to Connect the Intelligence Server to a specific Export Engine

By default, the Intelligence Server connects to the NEE on the same machine as it through port number 20100. Based on this connection NEE services will start on port 20100, and the Intelligence Server will access localhost's port 20100 for export.

However, you can configure the NEE and Intelligence Server default settings to connect to a specific export engine.

Configuring the Intelligence Server

  1. Open the registry file.
  2. Edit the NEE's application.properties file to set the host to the location of the NEE service, and the port value of server.port property.
  3. On Linux, edit the host and port on MicroStrategy/MSIReg.reg:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MicroStrategy\DSS Server\PDFExporter

    • host: localhost
    • port: dword:00004e84
  4. On Windows, open regedit to change the host and port under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MicroStrategy\DSS Server\PDFExporter.
  5. Restart the Intelligence Server.
  6. Open the registry file.

Configuring NEE to Use a Specific Port Number

  1. Edit the PDFExportService/application.properties file.
  2. Change the server.port property to match your selected port.
  3. Restart the PDFExporterService.

Once you change the port number, you must also update the value in the Intelligence Server's registry to ensure that the server can access the updated NEE service.