MicroStrategy ONE

Diagnosing the Tyco C-CURE Adapter Health

To determine whether the Tyco C-CURE physical access control system adapter is running, from the machine hosting the adapter, visit this URL:


The response should be similar to the example shown below. Make sure the cache_status is Ready and the status is ok, and confirm whether pacs_log_messages_to_write and pacs_log_messages_to_write have a value. If the adapter was recently started, the cache_status may display Updating rather than Ready.

status: "OK",
    server_id: "",
    version: "",
    server_api_url: "https://tyco-test.labs.microstrategy.com/victorwebservice/api",
server_version: "2.40",
    server_api_version: "1.0"
    uptime: "20.2h",
    cache_status: 0,
    cache_update_time: "2015-11-13 01:26:55",
    pacs_log_messages_to_write: 0,
    usher_log_messages_to_write: 0,
    thread_pools: [ ],
    elapsed_request_time: 31
    message: null

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Verifying that the Tyco C-CURE Adapter Installation is Correct

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