MicroStrategy ONE

Searching for Users

You can search for users in the Identity Network based on current location, badge information, or Active Directory (AD) attributes, if applicable. The screen dynamically displays the search results.

To Search for Users on the Search Screen

  1. Tap the Filter option to filter users based on location and time.

    Hint: If you are familiar with the Identity Network, start with no filters (All users for All time) and then narrow the search.

  2. Optionally, tap the Sort option to sort users based on Time, Distance, First Name, or Last Name.
  3. Optionally, swipe down on the screen to display the Search bar. Then enter a series of letters that is in your search criteria. That series of may be found in:

    • A user's first or last name
    • A user's AD attribute.

    Your network is integrated with Active Directory and you have imported your "Email Groups" attribute into MicroStrategy Identity.

    The search will return any users for whom that extract string is present in any part of the name or attribute.

    When the string matches an AD attribute for email group, the matched users will show up under a section called "Email Groups" within the search result. When searching for "tech" in MicroStrategy Communicator, there will be an "Email Groups" results section. This section will contain all users who are a member of at least one email group containing "tech" (i.e technology@acme.com, techhq@acme.com, salestech@acme.com).

  4. Optionally, tap Auto/Manual in the upper-right to toggle the auto-refresh option. When on, MicroStrategy Communicator continually scans for users that meet the search criteria. The auto-refresh option is especially useful when displaying a list of users based on location. As user locations change, the list of users updates. Additionally, before a user is removed from the screen, the user's picture fades to make you aware of the change. Alternately, drag the screen down to refresh.

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MicroStrategy Communicator