MicroStrategy ONE

Internal Functions

The following are internal function types:

  • MicroStrategy Apply, or Pass-through, functions provide access to functionality that is not standard in MicroStrategy but is available in many Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). These MicroStrategy functions act as containers for non-standard SQL expressions passed to your warehouse database. The MicroStrategy Apply functions are listed below:
    • ApplyAgg defines simple metrics or facts using group-value aggregation functions.
    • ApplyLogicdefines custom filters using comparison operators.
    • ApplyLogic defines custom filters using logical operators.
    • ApplyOLAP defines compound functions using database-specific OLAP functions such as Rank and RunningSlope.
    • ApplySimple uses simple operators and functions like +, -, and * to perform single-value operations at the database level.
  • Banding functions are used to differentiate displayed data on a report. You can divide data into bands in the following ways:
  • Case functions return specified data based on the evaluation of user-defined conditions.
    • Case evaluates multiple expressions until a condition is determined to be true, then returns a corresponding value.
    • CaseV (Case Vector) evaluates a single metric and returns different values according to the results.
    • Coalesce returns the value of the first non-null argument.