MicroStrategy ONE
init(initCallback:fn): void
When the connector web page is loaded, this function is called first. There is a default init function in the GenericDataConnector object returned by mstr.createDataConnector. Developers can customize this function. initCallback, passed in as a parameter, needs to be invoked when initialization is finished to inform MicroStrategy that the init operation has finished
close(closeCallback: fn): void
close is called when MicroStrategy has received the connection data sent by the submit API. closeCallback, passed in as a parameter, needs to be invoked to inform MicroStrategy that the close operation has finished.
fetchTable(table: Table, params: JSON obejct, doneCallback: fn): void
fetchTable is called by MicroStrategy to get data from the web-based data source. table, passed in as a parameter, is a Table object that the connector fills with schema and data. params, passed in as a parameter, is a JSON object that contains all the information the client inputted on the connector web page. doneCallback, passed in as a parameter, informs MicroStrategy that fetch data has finished.