MicroStrategy ONE


In Command Manager statements, the following symbols are treated as tokens. These symbols have the following effects in a script:

  • The semicolon (;) indicates the end of a script statement.

  • The double quote (") and the single quote (') are used to enclose identifiers. For example, in the statement LIST MEMBERS FOR USER GROUP "System Administrators"; the phrase System Administrators is an identifier.

  • The comma ( ,) separates items in a list. For example, in the statement GRANT SCHEDULEREQUEST, USEOBJECTMANAGER TO USER Developer; the commas separate the privileges being granted.

  • The caret (^) functions as an escape character. It causes any other special character that follows it to be treated literally and not interpreted as a special character.

In addition, the colon (:) and slash (/)  symbols are not tokens, but are used to separate values in time and date tokens.

Related Topics

Command Manager syntax

Reserved words

Statement syntax reference guide