MicroStrategy ONE

Viewing and Analyzing the Paxton Adapter Logs

Two logs are used to record the activity of the physical access control system adapter. You can analyze them to understand potential issues.

MySQL Logging Database

Use a MySQL client to connect to the MySQL logging database you set up when preparing to install the Paxton Net2 adapter, as described in Integrating Paxton Net2 with MicroStrategy Identity. Then execute SQL statements to retrieve information.

For example, if you want to extract error logs, execute the following statement:

SELECT * FROM paxton_log where level='Error';

To extract a certain URI call, execute a SQL statement such as this:

SELECT * FROM paxton_log where level='loglevel' and uri = 'uri';

In the call statement above, loglevel may be error, warning, communication, info, performance, or debug, and uri is the URI. For example, to find a log entry regarding a cache flush, use the following statement:

SELECT * FROM paxton_log where level='Communication' and uri = '/Paxton/Usher.svc/flush_cache';

Windows Event Log

To find log entries, such as for exceptions or errors that cause the database logging operation to fail, use the Windows Event Viewer on the machine that is hosting the adapter. Under Applications and Services, see the entries with the name of MicroStrategy Identity. Specifically, look for entries with a Source of Paxton Web Service.

For steps to use the Windows Event Viewer, see Microsoft's documentation.

Related Topics

Verifying that the Paxton Adapter Installation is Correct

Optimizing the Paxton Adapter for MicroStrategy Identity

Diagnosing the Paxton Adapter Health

Refreshing the Paxton adapter cache