MicroStrategy ONE

Integrating Brivo OnAir® with MicroStrategy Identity

To provide access to locations that are secured with Brivo OnAir, integrate your OnAir system with MicroStrategy Identity.

When Brivo OnAir successfully connects to MicroStrategy Identity, each physical access point secured by Brivo is loaded into the Identity Server as a digital key. To control which users have permission to unlock each physical access point, you must manage user permissions in Brivo OnAir. In MicroStrategy Badge, you can customize how keys are displayed to users in their MicroStrategy Badge app. For examples and steps to customize keys, see Managing physical access keys.

Follow the steps below to integrate Brivo OnAir with MicroStrategy Identity.

You use Brivo OnAir as the physical access control system for your physical resources.

You are a Senior Administrator of your Brivo OnAir system.

To complete the integration with MicroStrategy Identity, you must give the OAuth redirect URL to your MicroStrategy representative, who will provide the following information:

  • API Key
  • clientID
  • clientSecret

To Integrate Brivo OnAir with MicroStrategy Identity

  1. Log into MicroStrategy Identity Manager.
  2. Click Physical Gateways.
  3. Under Building Access, click Brivo OnAir. The Configure Brivo Physical Access System page opens.
  4. Locate the OAuth redirect URL on the Configure Brivo Physical Access System page and provide the URL to your MicroStrategy Support representative to receive your Client ID, Client Secret, and API key.
  5. Enter the following information:

    ClientID: Enter the client ID provided by your MicroStrategy representative.

    Client Secret: Enter the client secret provided by your MicroStrategy representative.

    API Key: Enter the API key provided by your MicroStrategy representative.

    Facility Code: Enter the Brivo PACS facility code.

    User ID Mappinig: Specify the type of user mapping that your Brivo system uses, such as email, testfield, or name.

  6. Click Refresh to verify the information and then click Next. Identity Manager opens the Brivo OnAir login page.
  7. Enter your administrator credentials and click to log in.
  8. Confirm that you authorize Identity Manager to access your Brivo information by clicking Submit. Identity Manager confirms the configuration.
  9. You can select to Manage Keys now, or return to the Identity Manager menu by clicking Later.

Related Topics

Creating a MicroStrategy Identity Network and Issuing an Administrator Badge

Distributing Badges to Users in Your MicroStrategy Identity Network

Categorizing MicroStrategy Badge Resources