MicroStrategy ONE

Categorizing MicroStrategy Badge Resources

If you use Platform Analytics to analyze MicroStrategy Badge data, you can improve the usability of the data that Badge collects about user behavior by categorizing the physical access resources (PACS) that are integrated with the Badge Network. By categorizing resources, you improve the usability of Badge activity reports created with Platform Analytics.

For example if you create a category of resources that includes all of the physical locations that are integrated with the Badge network, then you can specify different subcategories of physical locations, such as elevators, conference rooms, and private offices. You can then generate reports to gather in-depth information about the resources.

Multiple services were renamed in the MicroStrategy 2019 release. Because this guide requires modifying the underlying files, it uses the original service name. For a list of changed service names, see the Critical Name Changes section of the 2019 Readme.

Before adding an Intelligence Server cluster, ensure you've done the following:

  • Installed and configured the latest version of Platform Analytics. See Installing Platform Analytics for more information.
  • Integrated a physical access system with Badge. For steps, see Physical Gateways.
  • Obtained administer privileges for your Badge network and can access Identity Manager.

To Create a Hierarchy of Your Physical Resources in Platform Analytics

  1. Log into Identity Network Manager by navigating to the Identity Manager home page and using the Badge app on your smartphone to scan the displayed QR code.
  2. Click Physical Gateways.
  3. Under your configured Physical Access Control (PAC) system, the following are displayed: Beacon Configuration, Building Access, and Places Hierarchy.
  4. To start a new hierarchy, click Edit > Add New Campus.
  5. Enter a specific name for the campus, such as US Campus, UK Campus, etc.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Facility to add locations under the Campus you created. Provide the location of the organization that you want to include:
    1. In the Facility column, enter a name for the location.
    2. In the Facility Address column, enter the address for the location.
    3. In the Campus column, select the campus from the drop-down menu.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Floor to map the levels of a particular location to a Facility.
    1. Enter a floor of your building.
    2. Select the Facility from the drop-down list. Repeat this for each floor that you want to map.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Click Space. All the available places that have been previously integrated with Badge are shown.
    1. Using the Floor drop-down menu, map each space to the correct floor.
  12. Click Save.

After you've configured your Places hierarchy, you can edit any level by clicking the check box next to a place, and click Edit. To delete places within your hierarchy, select the place or places, and click Delete. When finished, click Save to make your changes.