MicroStrategy ONE

Configure the Box Connector

For official Box documentation, click here.

Register the App

  1. Log into Box Developer Console.
  2. From the left menu, go to My Apps > Create New App.
  3. Select Custom App.
  4. Input your application's registration information.

    • Name: Enter the application name
    • Application Method: Select User Auhentiation (OAuth 2.0)
    • Redirect URI: Enter your Community Connector app URL including redirect at the end. For example, https://[HOST_NAME]:[PORT_NUMBER]/CommunityConnectors/redirect.
  5. Select the Write to all files and folders stored in Box checkbox.
  6. Click Save Changes.

Deploy the Connector

If you are using a MicroStrategy version prior to MicroStrategy 2021 Update 1, see KB485033.

If you encounter a "403 Forbidden" error when fetching data, see KB485185.

  1. Log into MicroStrategy with an administrator user.
  2. Open the Connect to Your Data dialog.
  3. Hover your mouse over the Box connector.
  4. Click Edit Connector.
  5. Enter the app parameters and click Save.