MicroStrategy ONE

Using System Manager to Test and Deploy a Workflow

Once you create a workflow using System Manager, you can use the same System Manager interface to test and deploy a workflow.

Be aware that some processes are dependent on the machine that you use to deploy the workflow. For example, if you include processes to create DSNs, the DSNs are created on the machine that you use to deploy the workflow.

The steps below show you how to deploy a workflow from within System Manager.

You have created a workflow and saved it in a location that can be accessed from the machine that you are deploying the workflow on. Steps to create a workflow are provided in Creating a Workflow.

System Manager is installed. This tool is installed as part of the general MicroStrategy product suite.

You have installed any MicroStrategy products and components that are required for the processes of a workflow. For the products and components required for each process, see Defining Processes.

If required, you have created a parameters file to provide values for the parameters of the workflow and saved it in a location that can be accessed from the machine that you are deploying the workflow on.

To Deploy a Workflow Using System Manager

  1. Open System Manager.
    • To open System Manager in a Windows environment:
      1. Start > All Programs > MicroStrategy Products > System Manager.
    • To open System Manager in a UNIX or Linux environment:
      1. In a Linux console window, browse to HOME_PATH where HOME_PATH is the specified home directory during installation.
      2. Browse to the folder bin.
      3. Type mstrsysmgrw, and then press Enter.

        The System Manager home page is displayed.

  2. From the File menu, select Open Workflow.
  3. Browse to the workflow file, select the file, and then click Open. The workflow is displayed within System Manager.
  4. If you need to supply values for the parameters in the workflow by importing a parameters file, perform the steps provided in Importing Parameters into a Workflow.
  5. From the View menu, select Options.
  6. In the Log file path field, type the path of a log file or use the folder (browse) icon to browse to a log file. All results of deploying a workflow are saved to the file that you select.
  7. In the Maximum Concurrent Threads field, type the maximum number of tasks that can processed at the same time. This ensures that even if a workflow requests a certain number of tasks to be processed at the same time, only the specified limit is allowed to run at the same time. The default value for this option is either the number of CPUs for the current system, or 2, whichever value is greater. For information on creating workflows that execute multiple tasks at the same time and how to limit the number of simultaneous tasks, see Processing Multiple Tasks Simultaneously and Limiting the Number of Parallel Tasks to Prevent Over Consumption of System Resources respectively.
  8. Click OK.
  9. From the Workflow menu, point to Execute Workflow, and then select Run Configuration.

    You can execute a single process in a workflow to test the process, or to perform the process separately. To execute a single process, right-click the process and select Execute Process.

  10. From the Starting process drop-down list, select the process to act as the first process in the workflow. You can only select processes that have been enabled as entry processes for the workflow.
  11. In the Parameters area, type any parameters required to execute the processes in the workflow, which can include user names, passwords, and other values. To include multiple parameter and value pairs, you must enclose each parameter in double quotes (" ") and separate each parameter and value pair using a space. The following example contains the syntax to provide values for the parameters UserName and Password:
    "UserName=User1" "Password=1234"

    For information on supplying parameters for a workflow, see Using Parameters for Processes.

  12. Click Run to begin the workflow. As the workflow is being executed the results of each process are displayed in the Console pane. You can use the Console pane to review additional details on the results of each process and export these details. The results are also saved to the log file that you specified earlier. If you marked any process parameters as Confidential, the parameter value will either not be displayed in the feedback console and logs, or it will be masked and displayed as asterisks instead of the actual value.

    If you need to end the workflow prematurely, from the Workflow menu, select Terminate Execution. A dialog box is displayed asking you to verify your choice to terminate the execution of the workflow. To terminate the execution of the workflow, click Yes. If some processes in the workflow have already been completed, those processes are not rolled back.