MicroStrategy ONE

Syntax Reference Guide

Command Manager Runtime uses only a subset of the commands available in the full version of Command Manager. If you try to execute a script with statements that are not available in Command Manager Runtime, the script fails with the message, "You are not licensed to run this command."

This syntax reference guide lists the statements available for Command Manager Runtime and gives the syntax and examples for each statement.

For late-breaking updates to the list of statements supported in Command Manager Runtime, see the Readme.

  • Each statement in the syntax reference includes a title and four sections:
  • The first section provides a brief description of the statement's function.
  • The second section contains the statement's syntax, with reserved words in UPPERCASE and identifiers in italics.
  • The third section describes identifiers and other included tokens not in a reserved-word list, and their associated restrictions.
  • The fourth section provides an example statement.

Some symbols used in the syntax reference and in the outlines are not part of the syntax at all but have specific meanings related to the statement:

  • Tokens between square brackets [ ] are optional.
  • Tokens between parentheses and separated by a pipe ( | ) are exclusive options; that is, only one of the tokens is used in a statement.
  • Tokens in italics are identifiers. They should be replaced by the desired parameter. They may have additional restrictions; see the individual statement syntax guides for these restrictions.
    • Identifiers that have an index (1, 2, .. , n) are of the same type. Each represents a parameter; their use may have additional restrictions.