MicroStrategy ONE

Automating Administrative Tasks

You can perform various administrative and application development tasks by using text commands that can be saved as scripts or entered as commands to be completed as part of a System Manager workflow. These scripts and commands are created using Command Manager.

For an introduction to Command Manager, see Automating Administrative Tasks with Command Manager.

Managing Configurations for Project Sources

You can use text commands as part of a System Manager workflow as a script or entered directly as statements, to add, delete, or update large numbers of users and user groups, as well as manage various configuration settings for project sources.

For an introduction to Command Manager, see Automating Administrative Tasks with Command Manager.

To perform this configuration, in System Manager, from the Connectors and Processes pane, add the Intelligence Server process to your workflow. The following information is required to execute a Command Manager script or statements:

  • Connection Information: Determines whether to use a connection-less session or to connect directly to a project source:
    • Connection-less Session: Defines the script execution as a connection-less session, which means a connection is not immediately made to a project source. A connection is required to perform any tasks included in the commands. You can use this option when the Command Manager statements include the required connection information.
    • Connect To A Project Source: Defines the project source to connect to for the statement execution. Provide the following information:
      • Project Source: The name of the project source to connect to.
      • Login: The name of a valid user to connect to the project source.
      • Password: The password for the user name that you provided to connect to the project source. Use the button to the right of the Password field to determine whether the password characters are shown or asterisks are displayed instead.

      MicroStrategy does not recommend using quotation marks in your passwords. If you are running MicroStrategy in Windows and your password contains one or more quotation marks ("), you must replace them with two quotation marks ("") and enclose the entire password in quotes. For example, if your password is 1"2"3'4'5, you must enter the password as "1""2""3'4'5".

  • Execution: Choose whether the Command Manager statements to run are in a script file or the ones that you enter here:
    • Script File (.scp): Browse to and select the Command Manager script file that defines all the tasks to be completed.
    • Execute script statements: Type in the Command Manager statement or statements to be completed.
  • Export Results To an XML File: If selected, the system logs the execution results, error messages, and status messages to a single XML file. Click the folder icon to browse to and select an XML file.
  • Display Output On The Console: If selected and the script is not encrypted, the system displays the results on the command line used to execute the script or statements.
  • Stop Script Execution On Error: If execution causes a critical error and this check box is selected, the system terminates the execution. Clear this check box to allow the execution to continue even if critical errors are encountered.
  • Suppress Hidden Object(s) In The Results: If this check box is selected, the system omits hidden objects in the execution results. Hidden objects are MicroStrategy metadata objects whose HIDDEN property is set as true.
  • Logging Information: Defines how the results of running the Command Manager script or statements are logged. Select one of the following options:
    • Log Output To Default Location: Logs all results to the default folder.
    • Log Output To Specified File: Logs all results to the log file specified. You can browse to and select a log file.
    • Split Output Into Three Defaults (Results, Failure, and Success): Logs all results to three separate log files. The default log files are CmdMgrResults.log, CmdMgrFail.log, and CmdMgrSuccess.log, respectively.
    • Split Output Into Three Specified Files: Logs all results of execution to three separate log files that you choose:
      • Results File: Includes any information provided by successful LIST statements that were executed.
      • Failure File: Includes a list of statements that were not executed successfully.
      • Success File: Includes a list of statements that were executed successfully.
    • Include Instructions In The Log File(s): If selected, the system includes the statements in the log file or files.
    • Include File Log Header: If selected, the system includes a header at the beginning of each log file that contains information such as the version of Command Manager used.
    • Include Error Codes in the Log File(s): If selected, the system includes any error codes returned during the workflow in the log file or files.
  • Notes: Information to describe this process as part of the workflow.

Managing Configurations for Project Sources Using Command Manager Runtime Statements

Developers of OEM applications that use embedded MicroStrategy projects may need flexibility in configuring their environment. Command Manager Runtime is a slimmed-down version of the Command Manager command-line executable for use with these OEM applications.

Command Manager Runtime uses a subset of the commands that are available in the full version of Command Manager. Command Manager Runtime statements can be included in a System Manager workflow as a script or as statements entered in the workflow.

To perform this configuration, in System Manager, from the Connectors and Processes pane, add the Intelligence Server (Runtime) process to your workflow. The information required to execute a Command Manager script or statements is the same information required for a standard Command Manager script or statements, which is described in Managing Configurations for Project Sources. If you try to execute statements that are not available in Command Manager Runtime as part of a System Manager workflow, the script or statements fail with an exit code of 12.

Managing Configurations for Narrowcast Server Metadatas

MicroStrategy Command Manager lets you manage various configuration settings within the MicroStrategy platform, for Narrowcast Servers.

To perform this configuration, in System Manager, from the Connectors and processes pane, add the Narrowcast Server (Windows Only) process to your workflow. The information required to execute a Command Manager script or statements used to manage Narrowcast Servers includes the same information required for Command Manager script or statements used to manage project sources, which is described in Administering Cloud-Based Environments. In addition to this required information, Command Manager scripts or statements used to manage Narrowcast Servers also require the following information:

  • DSN: The data source name that points to the database that stores the Narrowcast Server repository. If the DSN requires specific permissions, select the Authentication for DSN check box to provide a valid user name and password.
  • Database: The database that stores the Narrowcast Server repository. Type the name of the database that resides in the DSN you specified in the DSN field. The DSN field is part of the options described in Administering Cloud-Based Environments.
  • System Prefix: The database prefix used to identify the Narrowcast Server repository.