MicroStrategy ONE

Formatting layout borders and backgrounds

You can format the border and background of a layout. The layout's border extends around the whole layout.

To format the border and background of a layout

  1. Open the document to be formatted in the Document Editor. (How?)

  2. Click the tab of the layout to format.

  3. From the Format menu, select Document Properties. The Document Properties dialog box opens.

  4. Click Colors and Lines.

  5. Select the color for the background of the layout, using the Backcolor drop-down list.

    The section color takes precedence over the layout color.

  6. To set how to display the borders of the layout, click Format. The Border tab of the Format Cells dialog box opens.

  7. To remove the entire border, click None in the Presets area. You do not have to select a Style, Color, and so on.

  8. Select the Style, which is the style of line to use as the border. Your choices are No Line, Dashed, Dotted, Hair, Thin, Double, and Thick.

    The Hair line style cannot be displayed in reports viewed in MicroStrategy Web.

  9. Select the color to use for the border by clicking the arrow next to Color.

  10. Select which borders to apply the Style and Color to:
    • To apply the formatting to the entire border, click the Outline button in the Presets area.

    • To apply the formatting to specific sections of the border, click the Top Border, Bottom Border, Left Border, and/or Right Border buttons.

  11. Click OK to return to the Document Properties dialog box.
  12. Click OK to return to the Document Editor.