MicroStrategy ONE

Avg (Average)

Returns the average (also known as arithmetic mean) of a group of listed values. Average is the sum of a set of figures divided by the number of figures. This is a group-value function.


Avg<Distinct = False, FactID, UseLookupForAttributes>(Argument)


  • Distinct is a true/false parameter that allows you to use all values in the calculation or to calculate using only the unique values.

  • FactID is a parameter that forces a calculation to take place on a specific fact table containing the FactID.

  • Argument is an attribute, fact, or metric representing a list of numbers.

  • UseLookupForAttributes is a TRUE/FALSE parameter that can be used when performing an aggregation of an attribute. The Count function is most commonly used to aggregate attributes. For information on this parameter, including an example of using it with the Count function, refer to the Functions Reference.

For additional information on and an example of this function, refer to the Functions Reference.