MicroStrategy ONE

Intelligence Server

System Requirements

For all certified systems, see Platform Certifications.

Hardware Requirements

RAM: 16 GB (minimum)

The minimum does not consider performance. Performance testing shows that 64 GB or more of RAM should be available for Intelligence Server to fully support and take advantage of the complete feature set, while obtaining system-wide, high performance. This level of system resources allows Intelligence Server to fully use performance-improving technologies such as MicroStrategy OLAP Services, and to support optimal performance for MicroStrategy Report Services documents and dashboards and the other features.

Available hard drive space: Three times the amount of RAM available to Intelligence Server. For example, an Intelligence Server that is provided 16 GB of RAM requires 48 GB of hard drive space.

For a list detailing certified and/or supported platforms and applications servers in MicroStrategy ONE and MicroStrategy ONE, see Platform Certifications.

Additional OS Package Requirements

The following table details required component packages not included with the installer. These may vary depending on your operating system type and version. Listed direct dependencies may also have dependencies, which will also need to be installed.

Product CPU Architecture Version Comments
Microsoft Windows Server x86_64



No additional packages need to be installed.

Amazon Linux



The AL2023 GA version includes components from Fedora 34, 35, and 36. Some of the components are the same as the components in Fedora and some are modified.

The required packages are the same as those for RHEL and are listed below.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux x86_64



Certification extends to derivative Linux distributions, such as CentOS.

For RHEL 9.x and 8.x, install the following packages:

RHEL 9.x and 8.x Package Chrome Dependency Description







The GNU libc libraries
libX11 libX11.so.6 Core X11 protocol client library
libX11 libX11-xcb.so.1 Core X11 protocol client library
libxcb libxcb.so.1

A C binding to the X11 protocol

libXcomposite libXcomposite.so.1 X Composite Extension library
libXcursor libXcursor.so.1

Cursor management library

libXdamage libXdamage.so.1 X Damage extension library
libXext libXext.so.6

X.Org X11 libXext runtime library

libXfixes libXfixes.so.3 X Fixes library



X.Org X11 libXi runtime library

libXrender libXrender.so.1 X.Org X11 libXrender runtime library



X.Org X11 libXtst runtime library

glib2 libgobject-2.0.so.0 A library of handy utility functions



A library of handy utility functions

nss libnss3.so Network Security Services



Network Security Services Utilities Library

nss libsmime3.so Network Security Services



Netscape Portable Runtime

cups-libs libcups.so.2 CUPS printing system - libraries



Libraries for accessing D-BUS

expat libexpat.so.1 An XML parser library



X.Org X11 libXss runtime library

libXrandr libXrandr.so.2 X.Org X11 libXrandr runtime library



A library of handy utility functions

alsa-lib libasound.so.2 The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) library




System for layout and rendering of internationalized text

cairo libcairo.so.2 A 2D graphics library



A GTK+ module that bridges ATK to D-Bus at-spi

gtk3 libgtk-3.so.0 libgdk-3.so.0 The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating GUIs for X



An image loading library

libgcc libgcc_s.so.1 GCC version 4.8 shared support library

The following information is required to install the legacy package, libnsl, on RHEL 8.x:

  • Package name: libnsl

  • Summary: Legacy support library for NIS

  • Library: /lib64/libnsl.so.1

The Export Engine does not support RHEL 6.9. See Installation of Export Engine to configure a different machine to use for the Export Engine.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server x86_64


For SUSE 15 install the following packages that are provided with the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server installation media:

  • cups-libs-libcups2.rpm: HTTP/IPP communication and printer queue and job library
  • libasound-libasound2.rpm: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Library
  • libatk-1.0.so.0-libatk-1_0-0.rpm: An Accessibility Toolkit
  • libatk-bridge-libatk-bridge-2_0-0.rpm: ATK/D-Bus bridging library
  • libatk-libatk-1_0-0.rpm: An Accessibility Toolkit
  • libcairo-libcairo2.rpm: Vector Graphics Library with Cross-Device Output Support
  • libdbus-dbus-1-glib.rpm: GLib-based library for using D-Bus
  • libdbus-libdbus-1-3.rpm: Library package for D-Bus
  • libexpat-libexpat1.rpm: XML Parser Toolkit
  • libgcc_s-libgcc_s1.rpm: C compiler runtime library
  • libgdk_pixbuf-libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0.rpm: An image loading library
  • libgdk-3.so.0-libgtk-3-0.rpm: The GTK+ toolkit library (version 3)
  • libgio-libgio-2_0-0.rpm: A virtual file system library API
  • libglib-libglib-2_0-0.rpm: General-Purpose Utility Library
  • libglib-libglibmm-2_4-1.rpm: C++ Interface for Glib
  • libgobject-libgobject-2_0-0.rpm: Object-Oriented Framework for C
  • libgtk-libgtk-2_0-0.rpm: The GTK+ toolkit library (version 2)
  • libnss3.so-mozilla-nss.rpm: Network Security Services
  • libpangocairo-1.0.so.0-libpango-1_0-0.rpm: Library for Layout and Rendering of Text
  • libpango-libpango-1_0-0.rpm: Library for Layout and Rendering of Text
  • libsmime3.so-mozilla-nss.rpm: Network Security Services
  • libX11-libX11-6.rpm: Core X11 protocol client library
  • libX11-xcb.so.1-libX11-xcb1.rpm: XCB X11 protocol client library
  • libX11-xcb-libX11-xcb1.rpm: XCB X11 protocol client library
  • libxcb-libxcb1.rpm: X11 core protocol C library
  • libXcomposite-libXcomposite1.rpm: X11 protocol Composite extension client library
  • libXcursor-libXcursor1.rpm: X Window System Cursor management library
  • libXdamage.so.1-libXdamage1.rpm: X Damage Extension library
  • libXdamage-libXdamage1.rpm: X Damage Extension library
  • libXext-libXext6.rpm: Common extensions to the X11 protocol
  • libXfixes-libXfixes3.rpm: X11 miscellaneous "fixes" extension library
  • libXi.so.6-libXi6.rpm: X Input Extension library
  • libXi-libXi6.rpm: X Input Extension library
  • libXrandr.so.2-libXrandr2.rpm: X Resize, Rotate, and Reflection extension library
  • libXrandr-libXrandr2.rpm: X Resize, Rotate, and Reflection extension library
  • libXrender-libXrender1.rpm: X Rendering Extension library
  • libXss-libXss1.rpm: X11 Screen Saver extension client library
  • libXtst-libXtst6.rpm: Xlib-based client API for the XTEST and RECORD extensions
  • mozilla-nspr-mozilla-nspr.rpm: Netscape Portable Runtime
  • mozilla-nss-mozilla-nss.rpm: Network Security Services

Additional Software Requirements on Linux OS

For additional software requirements prior to installing the Intelligence Server on a Linux operating system, see Software Requirements and Recommendations.

Notes on Support for MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

  • An X-windows enabled environment is required for the following functionality:

    • GUI-based MicroStrategy Installation Wizard
    • MicroStrategy Diagnostics and Performance Logging tool
    • MicroStrategy Service Manager
  • A Web browser is required for viewing readmes, release notes, and online help.