MicroStrategy ONE

MicroStrategy Analytics Modules

System Requirements

For all certified systems, see Platform Certifications.

Installing MicroStrategy Analytics Modules

For steps to install the MicroStrategy Analytics Modules, see the Analytics Modules Installation and Porting Guide.

Review the following information:

  • You can log in to the Analytics Modules project source (called the MicroStrategy Analytics Modules in Developer) as "Administrator" with no password to connect to the projects.
  • You can use the Project Duplication tool in MicroStrategy Developer to export any of the projects from the MicroStrategy Analytics Modules metadata to any MicroStrategy-certified database platform. For information about duplicating or moving projects, see the System Administration Guide.
  • Project-level VLDB properties must be updated depending on the database used. In some cases, adjusting additional report-level settings may be required.

Download the software from the MicroStrategy download site.

If you encounter problems during the installation procedure, please see Troubleshooting in the Troubleshooting appendix of the Installation and Configuration Help. If you require additional assistance, contact Technical Support.

Directory Structure

The following table lists folders and files of interest that are included in the default directory structure after an installation of MicroStrategy Analytics Modules.

In addition to the files listed in the table below, common files needed to run MicroStrategy are placed in the following directories by default:

  • When installed on 64-bit Windows environments: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\

If installing over previous versions of the product, the folder remains the same.

Analytics Modules Directories

Directory Contents
\MicroStrategy\Analytics Modules\ Analytics Modules and Tutorial metadata
\MicroStrategy\Analytics Modules\HRAM\ Human Resources Analysis Module sample warehouse and documentation
\MicroStrategy\Analytics Modules\DocumentObjects\ HTML layouts for document objects and subfolders for images

Analytics Modules Files

Files Description
Analytics_Metadata.mdb Metadata in Microsoft Access format for the Analytics Modules projects and the Tutorial project
HRAM_WH.mdb Sample warehouse for HRAM in Microsoft Access

Tutorial Reporting Directories

Directory Contents
\MicroStrategy\Tutorial Reporting\ Tutorial databases & document html layout files
\MicroStrategy\Tutorial Reporting\CSVFiles\ Tutorial CSV files and other data files
\MicroStrategy\Tutorial Reporting\Images\ Tutorial graphics
\MicroStrategy\Tutorial Reporting\XSLs\ Tutorial XSL files
\MicroStrategy\Tutorial Reporting\WebUniversal Document html layout files for Web
\MicroStrategy\Tutorial Reporting\WebUniversal\Images\ Tutorial graphics
\MicroStrategy\Tutorial Reporting\WebUniversal\XSLs\ Tutorial XSL files

Tutorial Reporting Files

File Description
TUTORIAL_DATA_7200.mdb Tutorial sample data database in Microsoft Access

Upgrading MicroStrategy Analytics Modules

Customers who want to use the MicroStrategy features introduced in this release and customers who need fixes made in this release for MicroStrategy products should upgrade:

  • MicroStrategy products 10.4.x and 2019 and above can be upgraded directly to MicroStrategy ONE or MicroStrategy 2021.

Before upgrading, see the Upgrade Help for important information about preparing for the upgrade, the order in which to upgrade products, and tasks to perform after upgrading.

Uninstalling MicroStrategy Analytics Modules

For details about uninstalling the MicroStrategy Analytics Modules, see the Adding or Removing MicroStrategy Components chapter of the Installation and Configuration Help.