MicroStrategy ONE

Best practices for creating prompts for mobile devices

  • Create prompts specifically designed for use on mobile devices. Some examples of the prompt types are listed below:

    • Slider, which allows users to answer the prompt by selecting a numeric value on a slider.

    • Stepper, which allows users to answer the prompt by using increment and decrement buttons.

    • Wheel, which allows users to answer the prompt by moving wheels to specify a value.

    • Geo Location, which allows users to filter results based on their current geographical location.

    • Barcode Reader, which allows users to answer the prompt by scanning or typing a barcode.

  • Prompts that are not specifically designed for mobile devices can still be used. In general, use:

    • The List style for single selections.

    • The Shopping Cart style for multiple selections on iOS devices.

    • The Geo Location style for geographical location data.

    • The Barcode Reader style for barcode data.