Version 2021

Introduction to Displaying and Designing Modes for Documents

You view document results and manipulate the document's data in multiple ways using Presentation Mode. You design documents in Design Mode and Editable Mode.

  • Design Mode offers a full range of document creation options, but does not display actual data.

    • Requires document designer privileges.
    • Displays document structure and placeholders for document components, without associated contents.
    • Add, edit, and format document objects, including grid and graph reports, text, lines, shapes, panel stacks, and so on. Cannot format all aspects of reports, such as metric values and attribute headers.
    • Provides quicker performance, since document results are not displayed. However, this means that you must switch modes to view the results.
  • Editable Mode allows you to view the data while you design the document.

    • Requires document designer privileges.
    • Quickly see the effect of changes to the document, although the performance is slower than Design Mode, since all document results are displayed.
    • Add, edit, and format document objects, including grid and graph reports, text, lines, shapes, panel stacks, and so on.
    • Use selectors to flip through panels in a panel stack or display attribute elements or metrics in a grid or graph report.
  • Presentation Mode is optimized for document viewing and analysis.

    • View and manipulate the results of the document,
    • For reports, switch between grid and graph view, add totals, sort grid results, export to PDF or Excel, move and pivot objects on a grid, and drill on a grid.
    • Use selectors to flip through panels in a panel stack or display attribute elements or metrics in a grid or graph report.
    • Interact with and format widgets

More details are provided in the table below.

Presentation Mode replaces Express Mode, Flash Mode, and Interactive Mode as a single powerful display mode. Documents created before MicroStrategy version 10.1 are displayed in Interactive Mode or Flash Mode, if that was their default display mode. Interactive Mode was designed to balance document creation options with display features in a single mode. In contrast, Presentation Mode is optimized for display and for analysts.

Feature Design Mode Editable Mode Presentation Mode Interactive Mode* Flash Mode*
Creating a new document and editing an existing document Yes Yes No No No
Design features, such as adding objects, formatting objects, configuring transactions, editing thresholds, editing subtotals, and so on Yes Yes No Yes, with limitations No
Grid and graph report manipulations
Switch report display between grid and graph Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Manipulate a grid, such as swapping rows and columns, sorting, and adding totals Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Drill on a grid No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Export a grid or graph No No Yes Yes Yes
Selector manipulations
Use a grid as a selector No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Use selectors to select which panel is displayed in a panel stack , or to change the data that is displayed in a report, or panel No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Widget manipulations
Interact with widgets No No Yes Yes Yes

Interact with Flash-only widgets

(Flash-only widgets include Cylinder, Interactive Stacked Graph, Thermometer, and Time Series Slider.)

No No No No Yes
Document manipulations
Update data by using transactions No No Yes No No
Display the document in full screen mode No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Refresh the document to ensure that the document cache is still valid No No Yes Yes Yes
Automatically refresh the document No No Yes No No
Share the document with other users Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Email the document (also known as send now) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Add the document to your History List Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Send the document to your History List on a schedule (subscribe to the document) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Save a personal view of the document Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

* Interactive Mode and Flash Mode are deprecated. Documents created before MicroStrategy version 10.1 are displayed in Interactive Mode or Flash Mode only if that was their default display mode.

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