MicroStrategy ONE

How to Remove Objects from a Report

When you remove an object from a report, that object is no longer included as part of the calculations for the metrics on the report.

You can partially remove an object from a report, by placing the object in the Report Objects pane. The Report Objects pane is a convenient place to store objects that have been removed from a report, and add objects to the report easily, without affecting the calculations on the report.

You can select either the object or objects to:

  • Remove from the grid of the report, if you want to remove only a few objects. You can remove objects of the same type, such as metrics or attributes.
  • Keep on the grid, if you want to remove more objects than you want to keep. The other objects on the rows, columns, or metrics axis (depending on the location of the selected objects) are removed. Objects on the other axis are not removed. This allows you to concentrate on a specific metric by removing all other metrics with one action.

    For example, a report contains the Region and Call Center attributes on the rows. The columns contain the Year attribute. The metrics on the report are Revenue and Profit.

    • If you keep Revenue, Profit is removed while Region, Call Center, Year, and Revenue remain on the report.
    • If you keep Region, Call Center is removed while Region, Year, Revenue, and Profit remain.
    • If you keep Year, nothing is removed because nothing else is on the columns.
    • If you keep Region and Revenue, Call Center and Profit are removed while Region, Revenue, and Year remain.

The objects removed from the grid are still available in the Report Objects, if you want to add them back to the grid.

To Remove an Object from the Grid and the Report Objects Pane

  1. Click the name of the report to execute it.
  2. Right-click the object's header and select Remove from Report. The object is removed from the grid report and the Report Objects pane.

    To select multiple objects, press CTRL while right-clicking the objects.

To Remove an Object from the Grid, but Keep it in the Report Objects

To use the Report Objects pane in the Object Browser, you must have the necessary privileges.

  1. Click the name of a report to execute it. The report must be in either Grid view or Grid and Graph view.
  2. Remove one or multiple objects from the grid report:
    • To remove a single object: Click the object's header, drag it off of the report and drop it onto the Report Objects pane. Alternatively, you can right-click the object's header and select Remove from Grid.
    • To remove multiple objects: Press CTRL and select objects of the same type (for example, all metrics). Then, right-click one of the objects and select Remove from Grid.

To Keep an Object on the Grid but Remove Others on the Same Axis

To use the Report Objects pane in the Object Browser, you must have the necessary privileges.

  1. Click the name of a report to execute it. The report must be in either Grid view or Grid and Graph view.
  2. Keep one or multiple objects on the grid report:
    • To remove a single object: Right-click the object's header and select Keep On Grid.
    • To remove multiple objects: Press CTRL and select the objects' headers, then right-click and select Keep on Grid.

Related Topics

How to Move Objects on a Grid Report

How to Move Objects On a Graph Report

How to Rename Objects on Reports