MicroStrategy ONE

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for SAP Sybase ASE Wire Protocol for Windows and Linux

The following information is required for setting up the driver connection for the MicroStrategy ODBC driver for SAP Sybase ASE Wire Protocol:

  • Data Source Name: A name to identify the Sybase ASE data source configuration in MicroStrategy. For example, Finance or SybaseASE-1 can serve to identify the connection.
  • Network Address: The network address, in the format ServerName_or_IPAddress,PortNumber. For example, if your network supports named servers, you can specify an address such as SybaseASE-1,5000. You can also specify the IP address such as 123.456.789.98,5000. Contact your system administrator for the server name or IP address.
  • Database Name: The name of the database to connect to by default. The database administrator assigns the database name.
  • Enable Unicode support (UTF8): Select this check box if the database supports unicode.