MicroStrategy ONE

Installation Log File

Before you begin to learn about automated installation options, it is important to know about the installation log file. The setup program generates a log file in text format. This log file contains records of all actions performed by the setup program and by other executable files related to installation. The installation log file can be particularly helpful if you encounter errors during the installation process. For example, the log can tell you if a registry key or path was not added or if a critical file was not registered successfully. The setup.exe file writes to this log file.

The log file data includes:

  • Update dates
  • Machine specifications
  • User selections
  • List of files to be registered
  • List of files that do not require registration
  • List of registry entries
  • Identification of files that fail during registration
  • Installation activity such as performance counter loading and DSN creation
  • Reboot time file registration results

The default location for the install.log file is:

  • 32-bit Windows environments: Program Files\Common Files\MicroStrategy
  • 64-bit Windows environments: Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy

Both the location and the name can be changed. You can specify the log file name and location in the following places: