MicroStrategy ONE

Configuring MicroStrategy with a Response File

The Configuration Wizard walks you through the process of setting up the environment for the MicroStrategy products installed in your system. You can also configure server definitions, project source names, an Enterprise Manager project, and the metadata, History List, and statistics repositories using a response file with the Configuration Wizard. This enables you to provide a configuration file to users to complete the configuration tasks, rather than requiring users to step through the Configuration Wizard. This can be done to configure a MicroStrategy installation on Windows and Linux.

The Configuration Wizard can also be used to perform MicroStrategy upgrades and create an Enterprise Manager project. These tasks can also be accomplished by using a response file:

  • For steps to upgrade MicroStrategy using a response file, see the Upgrade Help.
  • For steps to create an Enterprise Manager project with a response file, see the Enterprise Manager Help.

Creating a response file

It is recommended that you always create the response file through the graphical interface of the Configuration Wizard, as described in the procedure To create a response file in this section. This ensures that all applicable options are included in the response file with valid values.

However, you can also create and use a response file with the Configuration Wizard in command line mode on Linux machines. For steps to create and use a response file as well as perform other configurations using command line tools in Linux, see the Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file section in Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools.

To create a response file

  1. Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. To do this, see To configure MicroStrategy through the Configuration Wizard.
  2. Any configuration tasks you complete with the Configuration Wizard can be saved to a response file. For steps to complete various configurations tasks with the Configuration Wizard, see the sections listed below:
  3. Once you reach the Summary page for a configuration, click Save. The Save dialog box opens.
  4. Specify a name and location to save the response file, and click Save. You are returned to the Summary page.
  5. To also perform the configuration task, click Finish. The summary information is updated as the configurations are completed, providing a way to track the progress of the configurations.

Steps to use a response file to configure MicroStrategy are covered in Using a response file to configure MicroStrategy installations below.

You can modify a response file with a text editor to make configuration changes such as entering different user login and password information. For information on the parameters and options available in response files, see Response configuration parameters and options.

Using a response file to configure MicroStrategy installations

Rather than stepping through each page of the Configuration Wizard, you can configure MicroStrategy using a response file. You have the following options to use a response file to configure MicroStrategy:

  • To use a response file with the Configuration Wizard: This covers the standard procedure of running a response file with the Configuration Wizard interface.
  • To use a response file through the Windows command line: This covers the procedure of running a response file from the Windows command line. This enables users to run the file without using any graphical user interfaces.

    If you are configuring a MicroStrategy installation on Linux, you can use a command line version of the Configuration Wizard to create and use a response file. For steps to create and use a response file as well as perform other configurations using command line tools in Linux, see the Configuring MicroStrategy with a response.ini file section in Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools.

  • Configuring MicroStrategy components with System Manager: You can use a Configuration Wizard response file as part of an System Manager workflow. System Manager lets you define multiple configurations for your MicroStrategy environment that can be executed in a single workflow. For information on using MicroStrategy System Manager to configure and deploy your MicroStrategy environments, see the System Administration Help.

To use a response file with the Configuration Wizard

  1. Open the MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard. To do this, see To configure MicroStrategy through the Configuration Wizard.
  2. Click Load. The Open dialog box displays.
  3. Browse to the path where the response file is saved and click Open. The Summary page opens.
  4. An overview of all of the configuration tasks performed by the response file is displayed. Review the configuration tasks and click Finish to perform the configuration. The summary information is updated as the configurations are completed, providing a way to track the progress of the configurations.

To use a response file through the Windows command line

The steps below are specific to configuring MicroStrategy installed on Windows. For steps to create and use a response file as well as perform other configurations using command line tools in Linux, see Configuring MicroStrategy Using Command Line Tools.

  1. Type the following command in the Windows command line:
    macfgwiz.exe -r "Path\response.ini"

    Where Path\ is the fully qualified path to the response file. For example, the common location of a response file is:

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\MicroStrategy\RESPONSE.INI
  2. If an error message is displayed, check the path and name you supplied for the response file and make any required changes. Repeat the previous step to execute the configuration.

Response configuration parameters and options

It is recommended that you always create the response file through the GUI mode of the Configuration Wizard. However, you can also modify a response file with a text editor to make minor changes such as entering different user login and password information.

The file must be saved with ANSI encoding.

The response file for configuring MicroStrategy is divided into three areas of configuration, which are described in the sections below:

Creating metadata, History List, and statistics repositories

The response file parameters within the [Repository] section define how metadata, History List, and statistics and Enterprise Manager repositories are created. The table below lists the available parameters and the functionality of available options for each parameter.




This section configures the metadata repository and statistics tables. You can have more than one [Repository] section. Additional repository sections can be included as [Repository1], [Repository2], and so on.


Defines whether a metadata, History List, and statistics repositories are configured, as determined by the following values:

1: Configures metadata, History List, and statistics repositories.

0: Does not configure metadata, History List, and statistics repositories.


Defines whether metadata tables are created in a metadata repository, as described below:

1: Creates metadata tables in the metadata repository and creates a default configuration

0: Does not create metadata tables in a metadata repository


Defines whether a History List repository is created, as determined by the following values:

1: Creates a History List repository.

0: Does not create a History List repository.


Defines whether statistics and Enterprise Manager repositories are created, as determined by the following values:

1: Creates statistics and Enterprise Manager repositories.

0: Does not create statistics and Enterprise Manager repositories.


Locates the SQL scripts for creating the metadata tables. Example paths to SQL scripts in different environments are listed below:

64-bit Windows environment: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\MD8SQL8.sql.



Locates the SQL scripts for creating the History List repository. Example paths to SQL scripts in different environments are listed below:

64-bit Windows environment: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\content_server_db_Oracle.sql.

Linux: /INTELLIGENCE_SERVER_INSTALL_PATH/content_server_db_Oracle.sql.


Locates the SQL scripts for creating the statistics and Enterprise Manager repositories. Example paths to SQL scripts in different environments are listed below:

64-bit Windows environment: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\StatisticsEnterpriseManagerScripts\DDLScripts\CreateTablesScript.sql



Defines the Data Source Name for configuring a metadata repository in the ODBC database.


Defines the user name to log in to the database containing the metadata repository.


Defines the password to log in to the database containing the metadata repository.


Defines the Data Source Name for configuring the History List repository in the ODBC database.


Defines the user name to log in to the database for configuring the History List repository.


Defines the password to log in to the database for configuring the History List repository.


Defines the Data Source Name for configuring the statistics and Enterprise Manager repositories in the ODBC database.


Defines the user name to log in to the database for configuring the statistics and Enterprise Manager repositories.


Defines the password to log in to the database for configuring the statistics and Enterprise Manager repositories.


Defines whether the password is encrypted in the response file, as determined by the following values:

0: The password is not encrypted in the response file, which enables you to modify the password in the response file later using a text editor. You can then distribute the response file to multiple users with various login and password credentials. However, be aware that this can compromise your database security if you do not remove the password from the response file before distributing it.

1: Encrypts the password in the response file, which ensures that your password is secure. This is the default behavior.


Defines the database name to create tables in DB2 z/OS. This option should only be used when connecting to a DB2 z/OS database.


Defines the tablespace name to be created in the database.This option should only be used when connecting to a DB2 z/OS database.

Setting up MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

The response file parameters within the [Server] section configures an Intelligence Server definition. The table below lists the available parameters and the functionality of available options for each parameter.




In this section you can configure the Intelligence Server definition. You can have more than one [Server] section. Additional server sections can be included as [Server1], [Server2], and so on.


Defines whether MicroStrategy Intelligence Server is configured, as determined by the following values:

1: Configures MicroStrategy Intelligence Server

0: Does not configure MicroStrategy Intelligence Server


Defines whether a server definition is created, used, or deleted, as determined by the following values:

1: Creates a new server definition

2: Uses an existing server definition

3: Deletes an existing server definition

4: Creates a new server definition and uses it as the default


Defines the name of the Intelligence Server instance.

If you select to delete Intelligence Server instances, you can delete multiple instances by listing multiple instance names, separating each name with the \ character. For example, InstanceName=ServerInstance1\ServerInstance2.


Defines projects to be loaded when Intelligence Server is started. You can select to load multiple projects, separating projects by the \character. For example, ProjectsToRegister=Project1\Project2.


Defines projects to not be loaded when Intelligence Server is started. You can select to not load multiple projects, separating projects by the \ character. For example, ProjectsToUnRegister=Project1\Project2.


Defines the data source name for configuring the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. This is the data source that stores the metadata.


Defines the user name to log in to the metadata database.


Defines the password to log in to the metadata database.


Defines whether the password is encrypted in the response file, as determined by the following values:

0: The password is not encrypted in the response file, which enables you to modify the password in the response file later using a text editor. You can then distribute the response file to multiple users with various login and password credentials. However, be aware that this can compromise your database security if you do not remove the password from the response file before distributing it.

1: Encrypts the password in the response file, which ensures that your password is secure. This is the default behavior.


Defines the MicroStrategy user name to log in to the project.


Defines the password for the MicroStrategy user name to log in to the project.


Defines a prefix for metadata repository tables used by the server definition.


Defines whether the Intelligence Server definition is set as the default server definition to use for Intelligence Server, as determined by the following values:

True: Defines the Intelligence Server definition as the default server definition

False: Does not define the Intelligence Server definition as the default server definition


Defines the port used by the Intelligence Server.By default, the port is 34952.


Defines the port used by the REST API Server. By default, the port is 34962.


This option is only available on Intelligence Servers running on Linux operating systems.

Defines whether Intelligence Server is registered as a service. Registering Intelligence Server as a service is determined by the following values:

1: Registers Intelligence Server as a service. Performing this task requires a Linux login with root level access and privileges.

0: Does not register Intelligence Server as a service.

StartServerAfter Config=

Defines whether Intelligence Server is started after applying the configuration, as determined by the following values:

1: Intelligence Server is started after successfully applying the configuration.

0: Intelligence Server is not started after applying the configuration.


Defines whether to enable Intelligence Server and Developer to communicate using the SSL protocol, as determined by the following values:

1: Enables the use of the SSL protocol for Intelligence Server and Developer communications.

0: Disables the use of the SSL protocol for Intelligence Server and Developer communications.


Defines the port to use for SSL access. By default, the port is 39321.


Locates the SSL certificate file you created for Intelligence Server. Type the full path to the SSL certificate file.


Locates private key file you created while requesting the certificate for Intelligence Server. Type the full path to the private key file.


Defines the password that you used while creating the private key for the SSL certificate.


Specifies whether you can create a default statistics database instance for the all of the projects of the local Intelligence Server metadata, as determined by the following values:

1: You can create a default statistics database instance, using the statistics parameters listed in this table below.

0: A default statistics database instance is not created.


Specifies the data source name for your statistics repository.


Specifies the database user name for the user that can connect to the statistics data source.


Specifies the password for the user that can connect to the statistics data source.


Defines whether the statistics user password is encrypted in the response file, as determined by the following values:

0: The password is not encrypted in the response file, which enables you to modify the password in the response file later using a text editor. You can then distribute the response file to multiple users with various login and password credentials. However, be aware that this can compromise your database security if you do not remove the password from the response file before distributing it.

1: Encrypts the password in the response file, which ensures that your password is secure. This is the default behavior.


Defines a prefix for statistics repository tables used by the server definition.


Provide host name or IP addressee of Telemetry server. Format for this setting should be: server1.acme.com:9092, server2.acme.com:9093,...

ConfigMessagingService= Enable or disable Telemetry server for Intelligence Server and configure Telemetry server host and port settings.

Creating and configuring project sources

The response file parameters within the [Client] section create and configure project sources. The table below lists the available parameters and the functionality of available options for each parameter.




In this section you can configure the project source name. You can have more than one [Client] section. Additional client sections can be included as [Client1], [Client2], and so on.


Defines whether project sources are configured, as determined by the following values:

1: Configures project sources

0: Does not configure project sources


Defines whether the password is encrypted in the response file, as determined by the following values:

0: The password is not encrypted in the response file, which enables you to modify the password in the response file later using a text editor. You can then distribute the response file to multiple users with various login and password credentials. However, be aware that this can compromise your database security if you do not remove the password from the response file before distributing it.

1: Encrypts the password in the response file, which ensures that your password is secure. This is the default behavior.


Defines the name of the new project source to create.


Defines the database connection type for a project source. The following connection types are supported:

2: Connects a project source to the metadata using an ODBC DSN (Windows only).

3: Connects a project source to the metadata through a MicroStrategy Intelligence Server (three-tier).


If using connection type 2 (ConnType=2), defines the name of the ODBC database.


If using connection type 2 (ConnType=2), defines the user name to connect to the ODBC database.


If using connection type 2 (ConnType=2), defines the password to log in to the database.


If using connection type 3 (ConnType=3), defines the name of the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server to connect to.


If using connection type 3 (ConnType=3), defines the port number for the Intelligence Server when creating a server (three-tier) project source. The default port number for MicroStrategy Intelligence Server is 34952.


The following authentication modes are supported:

1: Standard or login ID and password entered by the user

2: Network login ID (Windows authentication)

8: Guest account (Anonymous authentication)

16: LDAP authentication

32: Database login ID and password (database authentication)

128: Integrated authentication

For information on the available authentication modes, see the Authentication modes.


If using connection type 2 (ConnType=2), defines a prefix for metadata repository tables.


Defines and enforce a connection time out for inactive users connected to a project source. The following values are supported:

0: Defines that users are not disconnected from project sources due to inactivity.

Numerical value greater than 0: A numerical value (in minutes) greater than 0 defines the amount of inactivity that is allowed before a user is automatically disconnected from a project source.

Creating and Configuring the Enterprise Manager Project

The parameters in the [EMProjectHeader] portion of the response file create the Enterprise Manager project on this machine and configure the connection to the Statistics and Enterprise Manager repository. The table below lists the available parameters and the functionality of available options for each parameter. For detailed information about each parameter, see the Configuration Wizard Help.




Options in this portion refer to creating the Enterprise Manager project on this machine.


Defines whether to create the Enterprise Manager project, as determined by the following values:

1: Create Enterprise Manager project on this machine.

0: Do not create the Enterprise Manager project.


Defines whether the passwords are encrypted in the response file, as determined by the following values:

0: The passwords are not encrypted in the response file, which enables you to modify the passwords in the response file using a text editor. You can then distribute the response file to multiple users with various login and password credentials. However, be aware that this can compromise your database security if you do not remove the passwords from the response file before distributing it.

1: Encrypts the passwords in the response file, which ensures that your passwords are secure. This is the default behavior.


The user name to log in to the Enterprise Manager project.


The password for the user name above. This may be encrypted, depending on the EMProjectEncryptPwd= setting.


The full path and file name of the MicroStrategy Enterprise Manager project package file used to create the project. On Windows, by default this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\OOTB-EM.mmp.


The Data Source Name for the database that contains your Statistics and Enterprise Manager repository.


The user name to connect to the Statistics and Enterprise Manager repository database.


The password for the user name above for the Statistics and Enterprise Manager repository database. This may be encrypted, depending on the EMProjectEncryptPwd= setting.

Creating and Configuring the Platform Analytics Project

The parameters in the [PAProjectHeader] portion of the response file create the Platform Analytics project on this machine and configure the connection to the Platform Analytics repository. The table below lists the available parameters and the functionality of available options for each parameter. For detailed information about each parameter, see the Configuration Wizard Help.



[PAProjectHeader] Options in this portion refer to creating the Platform Analytics project on this machine.

Defines whether to create the Platform Analytics project, as determined by the following values:

  • 1: Create Platform Analytics project on this machine.
  • 0: Do not create the Platform Analytics project.


Defines whether the passwords are encrypted in the response file, as determined by the following values:

  • 0: The passwords are not encrypted in the response file, which enables you to modify the passwords in the response file using a text editor. You can then distribute the response file to multiple users with various login and password credentials. However, be aware that this can compromise your database security if you do not remove the passwords from the response file before distributing it.

  • 1: Encrypts the passwords in the response file, which ensures that your passwords are secure. This is the default behavior.

PAProjectDSSUser= The user name to log in to the Platform Analytics project.


The password for the user name above. This may be encrypted, depending on the PAProjectEncryptPwd= setting.


Beginning with MicroStrategy 2020, this file will be removed and the default project package will be used.

The full path and file name of the MicroStrategy Platform Analytics project package file used to create the project.

On Windows, by default this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\PlatformAnalyticsProjectObjects.mmp


Beginning with MicroStrategy 2020, this file will be removed and the default project package will be used.

The full path and file name of the MicroStrategy Platform Analytics project configuration package file used to create the project.

On Windows, by default this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\PlatformAnalyticsConfigurationObjects.mmp.

PAProjectDSNName= The Data Source Name for the database that contains your Platform Analytics repository.


The user name to connect to the Platform Analytics repository database.

PAProjectDSNUserPwd= The password for the user name above for the Platform Analytics repository database. This may be encrypted, depending on the PAProjectEncryptPwd= setting.


The prefix for the Platform Analytics repository tables.