MicroStrategy ONE

Choosing a Graph Image Format for MicroStrategy Web

When you create and save a graph in MicroStrategy Developer, you should consider whether users will access the graph in a MicroStrategy Web report. The image format assigned to a graph report directly affects how the graph is executed in MicroStrategy Web.

The format you choose affects the quality of the graph and how quickly it is displayed in MicroStrategy Web, as described in the procedure below. For example, when a graph is saved as a GIF, it is loaded quickly in MicroStrategy Web, but does not present color gradients and other visual effects well.

You can determine the image file format in which to save the graphs in your graph reports in MicroStrategy Developer.

To Select an Image File Format for a Graph Report in MicroStrategy Developer

  1. Select the graph to modify and open it in Graph View in MicroStrategy Developer.
  2. Choose Graph > Preferences.
  3. Under Options, select Graph Type.
  4. From the Show graph in format drop-down list, select an image format. The following section lists each image format and provides information on whether the format is recommended for use in MicroStrategy Web:
    • GIF: Produces the smallest file sizes and therefore allows for the fastest report execution. However, it is not recommended for MicroStrategy Web because it may not display color gradients and some other color elements correctly.
    • PNG: Produces the second largest file size. While it is generally recommended for MicroStrategy Web, it is not recommended for any graphs that include color gradients because gradients are not displayed correctly.
    • JPEG: Produces the largest file size. It is recommended for MicroStrategy Web because it allows color features such as gradients to be displayed correctly.
    • BMP: Generally not recommended for MicroStrategy Web because it may not display color gradients and some other color elements correctly.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Save the graph report to apply the image format changes to it.