MicroStrategy ONE

Modifying Properties of an Add-on

This topic provides step-by-step instructions on modifying properties for an add-on instance on a particular MicroStrategy Web page, including modifying existing properties, adding new properties, and deleting existing properties.

  1. Launch the Web Customization Editor

  2. Open the Add-On Properties tab for the intended add-on by doing the following: 

    1. Click on MicroStrategy Web Configuration inside the Application Settings view to expand the hierarchical tree. The expanded list comprises the different settings that can be modified to perform customizations. 
    2. Click on Pages to expand the list of pages used in MicroStrategy Web. 
    3. Double-click the page that uses the add-on whose properties you want to modify. 
    4. On the right-hand pane, click the Add-On Properties tab for the selected page. 
  3. Under the Add-ons section of the Add-On Properties tab, select the add-on you want to modify. The properties for the add-on are listed under the Add-On Properties section. 

  4. Under the Add-On Properties section, modify properties for the selected add-on: 

    • To add a new property, click the Add New button and do the following:


      1. On the Shopping Cart - Add Elements dialog, select one or more available properties listed in the left-hand pane and use the >> arrow button to move them to the right-hand pane.

        If you highlight only one property in either pane, the declaration for the setter method for that property is displayed in the pane below, together with a brief explanation of what the method does and a description of the parameters it takes. If you highlight multiple properties, only the text Details: Multiple Selection is displayed.

      2. Click OK.

      3. In the Add-On Properties section, you must specify a source and value for the new property.

      4. Click the Source column for the new property and select a source from the drop-down menu that opens.

        • default: The default source is request.

        • request: The value is returned by an HTTP request.

        • enum: The value specifies the ID of a Java enumeration. Consult the API documentation for a list of available enumerations.

        • const: This source setting uses a constant value.

        • preferences: The value is the ID of a MicroStrategy Web preference.

        • browserSetting: This source uses a browser cookie.

        • feature: This source setting uses a MicroStrategy Web feature.

      5. Click the Value column for the new property and enter the desired value.

    • To delete an existing property, select the property and click the Delete button. The property is removed from the Add-On Properties section.

    • To modify an existing property, select the property that you want to change and modify the entries in the Source and/or Value columns. You cannot change the value in the Type column.

  5. Save your changes.


After you have completed this task, you must restart the application server for changes to take effect, unless the reloadConfigurationFiles property in microstrategy.xml is set to true. See Applying Customization Changes for information on changing the value of the reloadConfigurationFiles property.