MicroStrategy ONE

Visualizations Configuration File XML Structure

The visualizations configuration file is used to populate the list of visualizations available for different Microstrategy products—Web, Desktop and Mobile—and provides requirements and configuration information for each visualization.  

A sample of the XML structure for visualizations.xml is shown below, followed by a description of the elements and attributes that make up the file.

XML structure


  <visualization-list name="flash" view-mode="50">


    <visualization id="ImageSample" desc="Image Sample" desc-id="mstrWeb.5814" scope="1" projects="MicroStrategy Tutorial" style-name="vistestmapsampleReport"/>



  <visualization-list name="ajax" view-mode="51">

    <visualization id="TimelineSample" desc="Timeline" desc-id="mstrWeb.7754" scope="3" projects="" style-name="ReportTimelineAjaxVisualizationStyle" titleDESCId="23312" is-mojo="true"/>



  <visualization-list name="ipad" view-mode="71" show-in-web="false">

    <visualization id="TimeLine" minSecondaryProviders="2" maxSecondaryProviders="2" desc="Time Line Widget" desc-id="mstrWeb.7754" scope="3" projects="" style-name="IPadTimeLineWidgetStyle" propsEditor="visPropsIPadTimeLineWidgetStyle"/>



  <visualization-list name="android" view-mode="72" show-in-web="false">

    <visualization id="InteractiveGrid" desc="Interactive Grid" desc-id="mstrWeb.7734" scope="11" projects="" style-name="InteractiveGridAjaxVisualizationStyle" propsEditor="visPropsIPhoneInteractiveGridStyle" titleDESCId="23308" is-mojo="true"/>





The table below describes the XML structure of the visualizations configuration file. The four columns in the table include the following descriptive information:

Parent Element

- Child Element 1

- Child Element 2

Indicates the name of the element described in the next three columns. If this is a parent element, the names of all possible child elements are listed below the parent element.

Number of Nodes

Specifies the number of nodes that are required or allowed for the corresponding element in the Parent Element column. For example, if the value is "1", there must be only one node— no more, no less. If the value is "0 or more", the node is not required ("0"), but there is no restriction on the number of nodes that can be added ("or more"). If the value is "1 or more", the node is required ("1"), but there is no restriction on the number of nodes that can be added ("or more").  

Parent Element Attributes

Lists the separate attributes that can be used with the corresponding element in the Parent Element column. Included in parentheses beneath each attribute name are the attribute type and an indication of whether the attribute is required or implied. For example, the version attribute for the <visualizations> element has an attribute type of "nmtoken" (name token) and is implied. The name attribute for the <visualization-list> element has an attribute type of "cdata" (character data) and is required.


Describes either a parent element in the Parent Element column or an attribute in the Parent Element Attributescolumn.

Parent Element

- Child Element 1

- Child Element 2

Number of Nodes Parent Element Attributes Description






- <visualization-list>




The <visualizations> node lists a series of visualization types. Each child <visualization-list> node represents a collection of visualizations of the same type, such as "flash" for Adobe Flash files, which is defined by the value of the name attribute.



(cdata / implied)

If the visualizations are defined in a separate file, the config-src attribute tells the page configuration file the location of the visualizations configuration file.



(nmtoken / implied)

If the visualizations are defined in a separate file, the version attribute indicates the release number of the visualizations configuration file. This attribute is useful for backwards compatibility because it lets the application know what features are available.



- <visualization>

1 or more


The <visualization-list> node represents a collection of visualizations of the same type, such as "flash" for Adobe Flash files, which is defined by the value of the name attribute.



(cdata / required)

The name attribute defines the type of visualizations that are included in this list. It is used in the CSS file to determine the icon that is displayed for folder browsing and on the History List.

"flash" indicates the visualization is an Adobe Flash file

"ajax" indicates the visualization is a DHTML file

"ipad" indicates the visualization is for iOS devices

"android" indicates the visualization is for Android devices

There is a one-to-one relationship between the name attribute and the view-mode attribute.



(nmtoken / required)

The view-mode attribute specifies the mode in which a report or document to which this visualization is applied should be displayed. It is saved with the report or document when it is saved.

50: Display as Flash visualization

51: Display as DHTML visualization

71: Display as iOS visualization

72: Display as Android visualization

Users can use any other value for their own purposes.

There is a one-to-one relationship between the name attribute and the view-mode attribute.



1 or more


Each <visualization> node represents one specific visualization.


(cdata / implied)


The id attribute provides the key of the visualization.


(cdata / implied)

The desc attribute provides a description for the visualization. It is used only if desc-id is empty.


(cdata / implied)


The desc-id attribute provides a descriptor ID, which can be used for localization. This is the key of the string from the MessageBundles.properties file with the localized description of the visualization. For example, desc-id="custom.1234".


(cdata / implied)



The titleDESCId attribute provides the key of the string from the MessageBundles.properties file with the localized description of the title for the visualization.


(cdata / required)


The style-name attribute is the unique name of the style in the Style Catalog that is used to render this visualization.

Two visualizations cannot have the same style.


(nmtoken / required)

The scope attribute is a bit-wise value that indicates the objects for which the visualization is available:

1     Available for reports only   (default)

2     Available for grids/templates within documents only

3     Available for reports and grids/templates in documents

16     Available for dashboards

For example, some styles are applicable to reports, some are applicable to report grids in a document, some are applicable to entire documents, and some are applicable to a combination of these.


(cdata / implied)

The projects attribute specifies the projects in which this visualization is available. If this attribute is not present, the visualization is available in all projects.



(cdata / implied)

The attribute-minimum attribute specifies the minimum number of attributes required by the visualization.



(cdata / implied)

The includeMDproperties attribute specifies that the metadata properties should be included with the visualization when the XML is sent.


(cdata / implied)

The is-mojo attribute specifies whether this visualization is based on hte MicroStrategy visualization library, called mojo.


(cdata / implied)

The maxSecondaryProviders attribute specifies the maximum number of secondary data providers required by the visualization.


(cdata / implied)

The metric-minimum attribute specifies the minimum number of metrics required by the visualization.


(cdata / implied)

The minSecondaryProviders attribute specifies the minimum number of secondary data providers required by the visualization.


(cdata / implied)

The position attribute allows you to specify where this <visualization> node should be placed in the order of nodes under the parent <visualization-list>.For example, if you set this attribute to "2", this would be the second <visualization> node. This attribute allows you to inset new nodes in a particular place, rather than having them automatically added at the end.



(cdata / implied)

The propsEditor attribute specifies the style that will be used to render the property editor in the property panel of the Report Services document.


(cdata / implied)

The subtypes attribute specifies the subtype of the visualization if it has one. For example, a graph visualization has bar, line, area, bubble, pie, and combo subtypes.



(cdata / implied)

The widget-type attribute specifies the kind of visualization. It is used to determine how the drop zones for the visualization are laid out. Custom visualization developers should use only "0" or "7"—"0" if they are using default drop zones or "7" if they are creating custom drop zones.


Values include:

0: Grid

1: Graph matrix

2: Heat map

3: Network

4: Image layout

5: ESRI map

6: Google map

7: Custom


See also