MicroStrategy ONE


The WebTitle interface exposes information about a row, column, or page title. The WebTemplateUnit object, which represents a unit on a report can be obtained from this interface. This object contains many methods to obtain information about a template unit such as its position (represented by the @ui attribute of the title tag) on the template or its name (represented by the text of the tag).

The following methods are available for the WebTitle interface:  

  • getWebTemplateUnit— Returns the WebTemplateUnit object.  

  • getSpan— Returns the span of the specific title. The span is the number of rows or columns of header cells that corresponds to this title. Usually this is “1.” If this title is a consolidation or a custom group, it may correspond to several rows of headers. This happens when you wish to display a hierarchy of elements within the template unit (@spn).  

  • getDepth— Returns the depth of this title in its axis (@dpt).  

  • getHeaderCount— Returns the number of headers the unit consists of (@hc).  

  • getCssClass— Returns a reference to the CSS class used (@class).  

  • getType— Returns the type of the title, such as metrics, attribute, consolidation, custom group, and dimension. The original values in the XML are 0 for attribute, 1 for metrics, 2 for consolidation, 3 for custom group, and 4 for dimension. Note that if type is absent in the XML, this method returns an attribute as the type. The types are mapped to one of the following enumerations in the com.microstrategy.webapi package:

    • EnumDSSXMLTemplateUnitType#DssXmlTemplateAttribute

    • EnumDSSXMLTemplateUnitType#DssXmlTemplateMetrics

    • EnumDSSXMLTemplateUnitType#DssXmlTemplateConsolidation

    • EnumDSSXMLTemplateUnitType#DssXmlTemplateCustomGroup

    • EnumDSSXMLTemplateUnitType#DssXmlTemplateDimension

  • getGridSubtitles— Returns a collection containing the WebSubTitles objects for that title. The WebSubTitle objects represent either an attribute (in the case of a dimension report) or the attribute forms available for a specific title. 

  • getPosition— Returns the position of the title with respect to its placement of the other titles along its given axis. Also known as the unit index, the position counts begins from 1. 

  • isFirst— Returns whether this title is the first title on its axis. 

  • isLast— Returns whether this title is the last title on its axis. 

  • getAxisType— Returns the axis type from the enumeration EnumDSSXMLAxisName.