MicroStrategy ONE

WebObjectsPrompt - WebDimtyPrompt

The WebObjectsPrompt interface is used to specify a list of objects as an answer to the prompt while the WebDimtyPrompt interface is used in specifying the dimensionality of a metric. These two interfaces are very similar. The prompt designer can provide a predefined list as suggested answers or provide search object to get a restricted list of possible answers. It is important to note that the available objects in WebDimtyPrompt can only be of type WebAttribute and WebDimension. In case if the both the predefined list and the search restriction are missing, the objects would specify a default search object as the search restriction. In case of WebObjectsPrompt, the default search object searches for all objects in the project, while in case of WebDimtyPrompt, the default search object searches for all objects of type dimension and attribute in the project.

The  WebObjectsPrompt also supports the hierarchical prompt style. For this style, the available display units contain a folder built according to the following rules:  

  • Get a root folder of the search object, or if the search object has no root folder, then get a root folder of the project.  

  • Remove all non-folder objects from this folder.  

  • Add all non-folder objects from the search result to this folder.