MicroStrategy ONE


The WebHeader interface exposes the information about a single element in the headers of the report (row, column, or page).  The methods provide the information required to build a report.

The following methods are available for the WebHeader interface:  

  • getColumnSpan— Returns the number of columns of the grid spanned by this header cell.  This number always refer to columns, regardless of whether the header appears on the row or column axis (@csp).  

  • getRowSpan— Returns the number of rows of the grid spanned by this header cell.  This attribute always refers to rows, regardless of whether the header appears on the row or column axis.  

  • getOrdinal— Returns the ordinal index number of this header cell  (@o).  

  • getDepth— Returns the depth of this cell on its axis (@dpt).  

  • getUnitIndex— Returns the position of this header on its axis (@ui).  

  • getCssClass— Returns a reference to the css class used (@class).  

  • getSemantics— Returns the meaning of the header value.  This is not the same as data type (@sm of the <fv> tag).  The possible values are:

    1 – DateTime

    2 – Number

    3 – Text

    4 – Picture

    5 – URL

    6 – E-mail

    7 – HTML tag

    8 – Date

    9 – Time  

  • isCurrentElement— Returns whether the header is the current element. This is only used for the page headers.  

  • isSameAsParent— Returns whether the header is the same as its parent header.  

  • getWebElement— Returns a WebElement object from which the user can obtain the element type, id and the display name.  

  • getContainer— Returns the parent WebHeader.  In the case of a row header element, it returns the element that comes before the current element. If its parent is the same element (determined by the presence of @mh, or by the isSameAsParent method), it returns the element before that one.  For the columns, it returns the element above the current element.  This method is useful for sorting on a specific column.  

  • getWebHeaders— Returns a WebHeaders object. This is used only for page headers in the tree style mode.  For the rest of the cases, it returns a null.  

  • getWebTemplateUnit— Returns the WebTemplateUnit object that is associated with this header element.  

  • getHeaderType— Returns the type of the header element.  The value is obtained from the EnumWebHeaderType enumeration. This is used to determine whether the WebHeader implementation is a generic or specialized class.  

  • getMix— Returns the metric index.  

  • getDisplayName— Returns the name of the header.  

  • getChildren— Returns any embedded WebHeaders (for tree style page headers only).

Three interfaces that extend the WebHeader interface. They are used to get information about a specific header element depending on its type. For example, the WebAttributeForm object for a header element that represents an attribute can be obtained. The interfaces are discussed below.  

  • AttributeElement— Exposes the information about a specific header element that contains an attribute. The following method is available for the AttributeElement interface:

    • WebAttributeForm— Returns the WebAttributeForm object associated with the specific header cell.  Each header cell contains only one attribute form.  

  • DimensionElement— Exposes the information about a specific header element associated with a dimension specified in the template. The following methods are available for the DimensionElement interface:

    • getWebAttribute— Returns the WebAttribute object associated with the header element.  This attribute is used in the report representing the dimension.

    • getWebAttributeForm— Returns the WebAttributeForm object associated with the specific header cell.  Each header cell contains only one attribute form.  

  • MetricElement— Exposes the information of a specific header element associated with a metric. The following method is available for the WebHeader interface:

    • getWebMetric— returns the WebMetric object associated with the header element.