MicroStrategy ONE

Report Execution and Data Retrieval

Once 'state' and execution settings have been set, the report is ready to be executed and the data can be collected from MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. In addition to the collectData() method, there are several additional methods for accessing report data.

Using WebReportInstance

The ReportBean provides access to the underlying Web Object, WebReportInstance, thus providing much greater access to the properties of the report instance itself (identified by its messageID and state). The WebReportInstance interface represents an instance of a report. This interface can be used to retrieve the results of a report, to access its template, filter, or working set, or to obtain several of the other objects which allow report manipulation.

The WebReportInstance can be obtained from the WebReportSource interface or from a method which performs any type of report manipulation. The WebReportSource interface allows the user to execute and retrieve report instances, along with giving access to many objects which have a supplemental usage in report execution.

Using WebReportData

getReportData() can be called to retrieve a WebReportData object, a convenient, object-oriented way of accessing various pieces of report data.

WebReportData requires certain Result Flags to be set before all aspects of report data can be retrieved.

Other helpful objects for report display or manipulation

  • WebGraph is a Web Object that provides extensive access to graph properties.  

  • ReportPageInfo facilitates access to a report's Page-By functionality.  

  • PromptsBean provides access to prompts in a prompted.

See also