MicroStrategy ONE

Report Data

ReportGridTransformImpl is the concrete transform class applied to all report grids in MicroStrategy Web products by default. It is responsible for iterating through the report data to construct the corresponding HTML table for displaying the results to the end user. The Report Data section is rendered through the cooperation of many methods, each responsible for a certain part of the iteration through rows of the data set. The two most important methods are renderRowHeader() and renderMetricValue(), as these are the methods that directly delegate rendering responsibility to their respective cell renderers.

Some of the methods are described below:

  • renderGridData()— Generates the data content of the report grid. This includes both Row Headers and Metric Values.  

  • renderSingleRow()— Generates HTML for the <TR> tag that represents this row. It calls renderRowHeaders() and renderMetricValues().  

  • renderRowHeaders()— Applies CSS information, depending on selected autostyle or transform style. It represents a collection of all Row Headers as WebHeaders. If the collection is not empty, it calls renderRowHeader() for each row header. It also handles the case of no Row Headers with an empty ReportGridDisplayCell.  

  • renderRowHeader()— Renders the value of each row header to the screen. It also checks to see if row is a Total or Subtotal and adjusts output accordingly  

  • renderMetricValues()— Calls renderMetricValue() for each cell in the Single Row.  

  • renderMetricValue()— Renders each metric value to the screen.

The following methods which were used by ReportGridTransformImpl in versions prior to MicroStrategy Web 8.x have been deprecated:

  • renderData()— Instead of this method, use renderGridData().  

  • renderRowHeader(MarkupOutput out, ReportBean rb, WebHeader rowHeader)— This method is used in MicroStrategy Web 8.x but has a new signature. Use renderRowHeader(MarkupOutput out, ReportBean rb, WebHeader rowHeader, boolean displayTotalLabel).

The Report Headers topic and this topic provide a high-level overview of the components that comprise a report grid. The following Cell Rendering Classes topic discusses the classes that are responsible for displaying the content within each cell of a report grid.

See also