MicroStrategy ONE


The MonitorManipulator interface contains methods for performing batch operations related to monitoring manipulation requests. Improved efficiency is the underlying reason for using batch operations, rather than executing requests one at a time. Certain use cases, such as the deletion of all jobs, would be incredibly inefficient in terms of round trips to MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, if they were not submitted in one batch request.

The MonitorManipulator interface has the following methods:

  • submit()

    Executes all the tasks that have been added on this interface. If the monitor operation fails, a MonitorManipulationException is thrown. This exception contains a list of specific monitoring-related failures, each of which contains an error code and an error message describing the reason why the operation failed. If there is a general error, such as a network error or server crash, a more generic exception, WebObjectsAdminException, is thrown.  

  • clear()

    Clears the internal task collection, effectively resetting the state of the manipulator without submitting any of the changes.

There are four derived interfaces of the MonitorManipulator interface:

In addition to supporting batch operations, each monitor manipulator derived interface also supports single manipulation in the case that the user needs to do only a simple monitoring manipulation, such as killing a single job or list of jobs, deleting a single user connection, or unloading a list of caches of one project.